Please call your local GOP and volunteer to be a Poll Watcher. You can get training in one day and be certified. VOTER FRAUD is the only way Kamala will win, and the Democrats do a massive amount of it in every election. Please volunteer to help stop it. Sitting around hoping for the best won't cut it.

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The was a horrible thing to watch. She’s so cringey. She was angry and very defensive.

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If she’s afraid of Bret Baier I’d hate to see her on the world stage. Putin, Xi, even the little fella in North Korea will eat her up. No wonder they “endorse” her. I do not see any way possible, except for The Cheat, that President DJT doesn’t win. Big.

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Memes are going to get miles out of this

It has legs!

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Don’t be fooled by Kamala Harris’ word salads and irritating cackling. She is as smart and articulate as most politicians. Her outburst of unmitigated hatred directed at President Trump during her Fox interview is the real Kamala Harris. The rest of what she really thinks is closely guarded so she doesn't PUBLICLY DISCLOSE her radical leftist philosophy, her antipathy for her political opposition and the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of individual liberty and freedom. A President Kamala Harris will reveal she’s the female version of radical leftist Barack Hussein Obama, but armed with female vitriol. If the election’s rigged in her favor, she’ll be surreptitiously partnered with Obama’s Washington-based Shadow Government. Together these two Marxists will complete Obama’s goal to “fundamentally transform America” into a Democrat controlled authoritarian communist state. Pray that the Democrats don't get away with rigging and stealing this November's election, too.

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Like most Dems, Harris is full of hate for half of America.

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You were RIGHT! Kamala is finished! The depth of her incompetence was on display for all to see during yesterday's interview on Fox News.

The Federalist piece (below) makes the point the conclusion I came to after listening. I believe her interview will do for her what Biden's June debate did for him, all by design of the operatives pulling the strings behind the Democratic curtain.

I think the grease was already boiling in the skillet before last night. The gang of Democrat elites had already turned against Kamala. They knew she was not qualified to be President of the United States. They concluded she would be the placeholder and sacrificial lamb this election cycle. Biden and Slick Willie had already thrown her under the bus, and Obama didn't help when he impugned the intelligence of black men. The entire sordid affair of Democratic behavior reminds me of the relationship between Abimelech, son of Gideon, and those that helped him gain power (see Judges 9). It is a maxim that those who are evil turn upon their own when the pressure becomes too great. This is so because God is just (Psalms 37:12-15).


Fox News Interview May Have Finally Exposed Kamala Harris

Joe Biden was exposed as unfit to be president by the infamous debate. Kamala Harris' Fox News interview may have done the same for her.



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Pray you and I are correct.

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