Kamala Harris is a pathological liar who will say anything to get votes -- which is why she's the Democrat Party's presidential candidate.

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The Supports-Fracking/Bans-Fracking candidate who also "Owns-a-Gun" and says she will force mandatory gun buybacks and come INTO YOUR HOME to "check" your gun? The woman who voted to tax tips 2 years ago and now opposes that? Who flips on every issue, depending on polls? Who says she will give home buyers $25,000 AND lower taxes? Who let in 15 million illegals and is registering them to vote AND promises to secure the border IF ELECTED? THAT Kamala? No, I'm not voting for her either.

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Desperate! She is getting desperate. Her career is OVER if she loses this election. O-V-E-R!

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Is it me, or has Kamala's new climate adviser/champion only had jobs that lasted a remarkably short time? Either she is impossible to work with and gets her card marked by her superiors, or the 'climate-change = chaos' blinkers swiftly come off wherever she works. There is usually a certain amount of come-uppance waiting for these extremist types - isn't there, Greta?

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She is climbing the climate hoax ladder. For age 29, I think she has risen quickly. She is probably their best liar.

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Hope that she'll hit the skids at the same rate

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