FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT WE CAN REFORM THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY WINNING SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS: Here is how the union-approved, administration-backed board members will deal with you after your victory: they'll censure you for doing things like speaking directly to staff rather than to the superintendent or failing to follow picayune procedural policies - or they'll simply declare your opinion to be threatening. You cannot fight the monster on its own turf playing by its own rules. The only thing you can do with it is CIRCUMVENT IT BY GETTING YOUR KIDS THE HELL OUT. Every day your kids are in the system, you are supporting the system. Every day your kids are out, you are building a parallel system that will eventually displace the utterly corrupt public schools: "728 School Board votes to censure Freiberg, Anderson": https://www.hometownsource.com/elk_river_star_news/728-school-board-votes-to-censure-freiberg-anderson/article_7c278fc6-9d46-11ee-933b-97ce12b34000.html

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Perverts own our kids. Did you read my recent article about the Seattle SD?

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Yes I did. It's not just Seattle; if this isn't already in your local schools, it will be soon. I liken the current school governance to child molesters. GET YOUR KIDS OUT.

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These Communists count on the apathy of the community, so they can turn our kids into serfs. It’s good that you saw what they were doing and decided to do something. Sure wish more people would.

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The Biden Regime has sent SWAT teams to beat down the doors of fathers'/mothers' homes because they got involved in "flipping the school board." If this were, for example, the HUGE Seattle School District, the new board member and our campaign group could expect such treatment.

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I was discussing this with a Veteran friend of mine just yesterday (the one I got to vote for Trump against his tenured east coast professor parents’ advice). He said “that didn’t happen.” So, I spent a couple hours filling his inbox with proof. We’ll see if f we’re still friends today.

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He didn't believe that Marxists are running government schools?

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No. And he didn’t believe the child sex-trafficking was a massive problem. He likes to talk politics when we get the chance to speak, but he says things like “I think Haley or DeSantis are great picks because Trump just has too many problems.” I usually educate him, and he’s usually flabbergasted by the info I give him. He’s just not paying attention. He puts more value in what his far-left family tells him than what I have to say, but he’s coming around. The only grace I give him is that he’s more focused on keeping his struggling business alive after the CVD debacle than politics.

I have to believe I’m not the only one that has someone like this in their life.

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Well done Diane!!! Yes, changes are possible!! They only require patience and commitment. Congratulations to you and the entire community. These progressives know their days are numbered!

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An Ohio school district got rid of all their "boys in girls restroom" board directors.

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I worry less about "boys in the girls bathroom " and more about why they don't understand why that's a bad idea.

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As y idiot can be a member of a school board. It’s “good ol’ boys!”

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School board members should be people who want to see students achieve real academic success, not just put forward their own ideology. In my town the board was hiding a pedophile because it was embarrassing to admit they had one in employ. He ended up killing a very successful principal when he was discovered. We also had sexual assault hidden. This was all to keep appearances.

Bullying is hidden for the same reason. Our schools are awash with people that have no direction and we need to attract new and innovative teachers. DOE should be reformed to help failing schools not impose more un-needed regulations. Tests should be hard to pass. Children should be challenged. Some with learning disabilities need to be discovered and their disabilities factored into their learning . Teach to success. Our schools need to be places where learning and safety are our top. DOE isn't responsible for the lack of learning but low funding and pencil pushers are. If you hire a administrator that can't teach a class you will fail. Principals should be teachers and the best ones at the school to help others. But our budgets can't afford that.

More money needs to come from somewhere to correct the losses that schools have had to suffer. Maybe a new tax slanted towards the richest persons that would benefit the most from having intelligent employees?

I think that most of us are struggling to pay bills these days and already have a interest in our children.

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