Well the actual issue is,

That since both these Morons are Democrats or Demon:Rats, they are infected with that Disease, because in truth Leftist Progressive Liberalism

(i.e. Democrats) is a Disease and this Disease has only two major symptoms that all the infected suffer with,

First, A single digit I.Q.

Second, Leaves a single Brain Cell alive in their heads.

This Disease of Leftism is literally the WORST PLAGUE TO EVER HIT THIS PLANET PERIOD!!!

OK, True Story Time,

Stalin was asked by one of his Generals,

Is Russia going to Attack the United States?

Stalin said NO,

Why waist the man power and money,

When all we need to do is,

Sit back and watch the "USELESS IDIOTS"

Because they will do the Exact same thing to the

United States that we would do!!!

See, Stalin always refered to Democrats as,


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Leapingcrane: Yes, Democrats have trouble thinking. Check out my article about Fetterman, which I just reposted. I am sending you an email with links to several article which you will enjoy. Diane

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Strange bedfellows; Carter had a high IQ and was well educated. Biden is a full normal, had a crappy education and a fake ego. The common denominator may just be that evil democrat mentality. How else would these two opposites become our two worst presidents ever!!!!!

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