Friday's Supreme Court decision slapped down Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and dozens of Hate-Trump federal judges in the DC Swamp who wrongfully prosecuted and wrongfully convicted about 350 January 6th defendants with the post-Enron felony. Enron was a FINANCIAL crime.
In a devastating AND a well-deserved blow to the Department of Justice’s corrupt political prosecution of January 6 protesters, the US Supreme Court overturned how the DOJ has used 18 USC 1512(c)(2),* the most prevalent felony in J6 cases.
The statute, commonly referred to as “obstruction of an official proceeding,” has been applied in roughly 350 J6 cases. It also represents two of four counts in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s J6-related criminal indictment of Donald Trump pending in a DC Swamp court.
In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the subsection used to round up and prosecute Trump voters is tethered to the subsection that addresses tampering with a record, document, or object. None of these J6 defendants even touched a record or document, much less “tampered” with one.
The decision means hundreds of Americans have been wrongfully prosecuted by the most corrupt US Department of Justice in America’s history. President Trump has said he will create a White House task force to review J6 cases and will likely pardon or commute most of them.
NOTE: Within days of taking office in March 2021, AG Garland dismissed over 400 cases of BLM/Antifa thugs who had broken into & damaged federal buildings during the 2020 riots. Just one example: Protesters caused $1.6 million in damages to the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon. The Biden Regime is sending a message: Left-wing violence is wanted. Right-wing protest is not.
Fischer v United States was the case of Joseph Fischer, a Pennsylvania man and former police officer, who attended Trump’s speech and later went to the Capitol. According to court documents, Fischer briefly entered the building around 3:25 pm, nearly an hour after the joint session of Congress to certify the electoral college votes had recessed.^ He exited about four minutes later.
Fischer’s attorneys contended Congress approved the law in 2002 after the Enron scandal to target document shredding, which he didn't do at the Capitol. Biden’s Lawfare Team maliciously contended the law is a "catchall" that includes blocking official proceedings such as Congress counting Electoral College votes, which Fischer also did not do!^
The January 6th persecutions have little to do with the Rule of Law and a whole lot to do with terrorizing those who disagree with the Biden Regime. Their scheme is to terrorize over half of Americans into silence, and it is working on many of us. [Not on me!] THAT is why they are still rounding up Americans who MAY have been in DC on or about January 6, 2021. The Biden Regime not only demands that we shut up throughout his term, but that we crawl into a hole after he steals the 2024 election, too. Democrats only want us to leave our holes long enough to cough up our tax dollars to give him more power.
The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002* was passed in the wake of the Enron Scandal wherein thousands of investors were swindled out of millions of dollars. One section of the statute prohibits businesses from destroying potential evidence like the Enron executives did. Biden’s Lawfare Team has charged about 350 J6 defendants with “destroying evidence” under Sarbanes Oxley even though they never touched a single document nor damaged any “evidence,” while they sashayed through the capitol building on January 6, 2021. There is also no evidence that President Trump “destroyed evidence.”
So desperate is the Deep State, the DC Swamp, the bureaucrats, the Ruling Elite and others who suck off the taxpayers to sweep the America-First movement into the dust heap of history, that statutes are being twisted like pretzels. Biden’s Lawfare Henchmen, lead by Matthew Graves and Jack Smith, have twisted a “can’t destroy evidence of financial crimes” statute to put both J6 defendants and President Trump into prison for 20 years.
Click here to read a list of the corrupt judges who convicted Americans on this bogus charge.
Two of the four charges in Trump’s federal election “interference” case rely on portions of the same law that Joseph Fischer challenged in Fischer v United States.; therefore, two of Trump’s charges have been thrown out. Jack Smith’s J6 case against President Trump is still on hold while waiting for the Supreme Court to consider whether a president is immune from federal charges for acts he performed as president. Oral arguments on immunity were held in March. SCOTUS’s ruling on presidential immunity is expected July 1st.
Smith charged Trump with organizing “fraudulent” slates of presidential electors in 2020 and causing them to send “fake” certificates to Congress. Alternate slates of presidential electors is a normal practice going back to 1876 when Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, & South Carolina each submitted two slates of electors to Congress with different results.
In 2000, Democrat Al Gore asked officials in four of Florida’s biggest counties to recount their ballots, kicking off a month-long delay in choosing presidential electors. Three weeks later, Florida declared that George W. Bush had won by 537 votes. Gore rejected that count and, eventually, the US Supreme Court declared the winner. Gore was not charged with “election interference.”
NOTE: For the first time in history, the DOJ tasked the FBI with investigating MISDEMEANORS. Biden’s corrupt DOJ has turned Trump supporters into political prisoners.
*18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) “Whoever corruptly (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”
^DIANE’S QUESTION: I have yet to hear anyone, be they honest legal analysts, or those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, or politicians, mention a difference between those who entered the Capitol building while Congress was in session, and those who came in after the meeting had been adjourned. The meeting was called to order at 12:30pm and was adjourned about 2:00pm. The first group might be guilty of “obstructing an official proceeding” but the latter group definitely is not because there was no meeting in progress at the time they entered the building.
In addition to CONgress NOT being in session after 2pm; the CORRUPT doj also tried prosecuting people CLAIMING VP Pence was in the house...they TRIED TO HIDE WHEN HE LEFT the building so they could charge people--that was EXPOSED! This also begs the question; WHY COULDN'T THEY PROSECUTE HILDEBEAST FOR THIS SAME CODE for destroying ALL THAT EVIDENCE (with HAMMERS and BLEACH BIT) that was SUBPOENED BY CONgress...? One thing is CLEAR: DOJ IS BEYOND CORRUPT AND MUST BE TORN TO SHREDS AND REPLACED with an organization that can NEVER BE CORRUPTED!
Excellent post.