Back in the 1940s, growing up in South Africa, there weren’t any vaccinations for children, except for smallpox. Government public health nurses visited all schools to vaccinate us on our upper left arm, leaving two scars where the vaccine was scratched into our skin. We (and our parents) suffered and struggled through measles, mumps and whooping cough, along with colds and flu, which were treated with a warm drink of honey and lemon. Cuts were treated with Sulphur ointment. During the polio epidemic we wore a little bag of garlic around our necks. We weren’t without medical or pharmaceutical help. Our family had close friends who were doctors and pharmacists. We had the best available healthcare at the time. When the Salk polio vaccine became available, my brother and I were among the first to get it — a few drops under our tongues. We spent most of our young lives at an elevation of 4,800 feet running around barefoot wearing shorts and getting sunburned. The winters were cold, pipes sometimes froze. There was no central heating, just a coal burning fireplace in each room lit an hour before bed. A hot water bottle was used to warm the sheets. At Dale College, a private boy's boarding school in King Williams Town, we started each day with a cold shower, a school tradition to get you going before breakfast, and ready for class, followed by mandatory school sports — rugby, cricket, tennis, squash, swimming and rowing. You chose your sport and competed against other college teams. Everyone participated. No excuses. One exception. A doctor’s note excusing you from participating — until you were healthy to compete. Our diet was meat, vegetables and fruit. Porridge, eggs, bacon and toast with marmalade started the day. No processed foods. Don't recall anyone being obese. Some 80 years later, age has caught up with us. Unfortunately, many of today’s younger generation have health issues we never dreamed of, which brings me to Bobby Kennedy. In his book, Art of the Deal, Donald Trump reportedly says: “Hire the best available person, but don’t trust them.” Personally, I don’t trust Democrats, but if Bobby Kennedy can discover and reveal the root cause of the many chronic health issues facing America’s children, he will be a hero. However, we must first re-elect President Trump.

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John: Some time ago you sent me your bio. You have had such a fascinating life! I do intend, after the election madness has passed, to write an article about your life, or a part thereof. Are you as scared as I am that Harris/Walz will cheat their way into power? Diane

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YES, I am fearful the Democrats will successfully rig the 2024 election.

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Thanks for an interesting analogy!

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You are welcome!!! Most of my life I have been a reader. This story has stuck in my memory.

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He is a lawyer, not a doctor. NO medical training. And an opportunist. He also has been spouting for years that the measles vaccine causes autism, and several studies show clearly that it does not.

The result is that many parents refuse to have their children innoculated, and the kids can get measles, mumps, and rubella with serious consequences.

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I do not accept all of Bobby's ideas; however, the HUGE rise in chronic diseases in children definitely needs to be investigated. Asking questions should never be punished, how ever far out it seems at the time. Clean hands are MANDATORY for health care workers in 2024, but they were not in Dr. Semmelweis's day.

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We kids all had our measles shots. None of us 3 kids in our family ever developed autism. However, we do indeed have chronic diseases we never had before, and that's because of our processed food we eat; the fatty foods and sweets, and the stuff that's put in foods by companies to make it taste better so you go buy even MORE. I tell you, it's all about the money, just like Big Pharma. Big Pharma does not want diseases to be cured, only "treated" with drugs. If Harris/Walz wins, you will continue to be forced to buy these "drugs" to "treat" but NOT cure diseases. They will be ever-more increasingly expensive drugs. Harris certainly will NOT investigate the causses of illness as Trump says he will do.

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Severity of measles is due to poor nutrition. Vitamin A levels that impact morbidity and mortality in children. Much like Vitamin D levels in people with Covid, vitamins can treat and reduce disease. The cost of vitamins is low and improving nutrition prevents other diseases. Why not a nutritionally based approach as the answer?

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Measles also can cause blindness, permanent brain damage, deafness, and death, no matter how great your nutrition is.

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Even GAVi suggests using Vitamin A to reduce symptoms of measles. People die of earaches from colds. Pneumonia is the result of colds. How about building up immunity through good nutrition instead of jabbing kids and putting mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, and other chemicals into their bodies that are toxic. Poisoning them is much worse than a case of the measles.

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Good nutrition is always ideal. But it doesn't prevent all diseases and never will.

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Vaccines don’t prevent diseases. How about that change in the definition of vaccines that the CDC recently made? Vaccines don’t prevent disease or even disease transmission. Instead, they say vaccines reduce risk of a disease. Good nutrition reduces risk of all diseases.

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Boy, have you drank the cool-aid! Not all kids exposed to measles and who have not been jabbed, get sick. WHY? So now you are going to add that big pharma is about saving poor children? Bwahahaha! Why don’t we teach good nutrition over vaccines? https://journals.lww.com/infectdis/Fulltext/2020/07000/Vitamin_A_for_the_Management_of_Measles_in_the.2.aspx

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I refuse to get into an insult-slinging contest with you. I am stating a fact. Excellent nutrition is ideal but does not prevent all disease.

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Regarding credentialism: almost the entire medical elite were telling me that an untested gene therapy was a "vaccine" and that I should inject myself with it. They told me "two weeks to flatten the curve", "the virus stops with you" if only you'll get the injection, and that I was going to die in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated". I didn't buy any of it, and my last and only medical training was a high school biology course I took in 1971. How they tricked us into the COVID injections: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/how-they-tricked-us-into-the-covid

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That is why I asked permission to re-post this AFNN article: https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/real-threat-to-america-entitled-elites

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Two things come to mind for me from this article and discussion. Trust in the medical system, and Trust in anybody that argues FOR any of it.

I was like everyone else was prior to Covid, but I learned in 1997 from the Anthrax Vax given in South Korea. I believed everything I was taught and told to trust the Doctors, that the Food pyramid was the only way and vaccines were important for children and adults alike.

The day after my second Anthrax shot, I went deaf overnight, lost my balance resulting in constant vertigo, my guts and bowel were no longer regulated, my joints became like rusty gates, my skin felt like being bitten by fire ants and my testosterone dropped to zero. In 2024, none of it has resolved.

Up until 2013, I continued to get all the shots required to work in the Emergency room in a Washington State hospital. I had bronchitis nearly every month, eventually turning to recurrent pneumonia. When I left that position and no longer needed to be inoculated, something amazing happened…I stopped getting sick!

Doctors continued to try to tell me how important it is to get the poison shoved into my veins. I continue to refuse. I also continue to NOT get sick. Neither my wife or I were poked for Covid, neither of us got sick. Our naturopath gave up us the bad-scary Ivermectin, which we continue taking to this day, and neither of us have been sick in years.

The Anthrax Vax was pushed by our USMC Command in which we were threatened with “You won’t even get a job at McDonalds if you don’t take it.” Even as we saw people in front of us in line getting sick and having problems almost instantly after getting it. One young Marine, with similar ear problems as mine, shoved a pencil into his ear to relieve the pressure, he was instantly discharged. There’s a reason behind shit that has to be FORCED.

Now, I have fired four “Doctors” in 6 months for pushing vaccinations on me, among other things. These Docs push pills and medications, but NEVER look at my root causes (such as the effects of Squalene). The last fired Doctor, with a beautiful new Porsche in the parking lot (likely gained with COVID $$), told me to take Ozempic, knowing that my guts already don’t work, and saying to me “Don’t read the side effects, we don’t need any self-fulfilling prophecies here.” Don’t ya just love being treated like an idiot?

Never mind that I’m a licensed Social Worker with great understanding of Anatomy and physiology, medications and interactions (not to mention I can read a Physicians Desk reference). I’m an experienced trauma therapist, with expertise in Personality Disorders and Compound Traumas such as experienced by Combat Veterans, Military Sexual Trauma survivors, Sexualized Children and Adult rape victims. I don’t need to rely on ANY Doctor for their expertise, and am likely more apt to diagnose correctly than any doctor that has “treated” me. I can read medical journals and peer reviewed articles, and develop an understanding of the material rapidly, enough so that I can and have a discussion with any Big-Headed White Coat, any day.

I would rather listen to RFKjr, whom is willing to ask questions, look into root causes and change the health trajectory of our country, than listen to ANY Academia trained doctor. I currently have a Naturopath, with his own co-op clinic, and is an Emergency Room MD that also does not believe in any Vaccines.

I’m amazed by anyone fighting for the status quo, pro-government, “trust-the-science” and pro-Fauci medical system. I’d love to sit them on my therapy couch and explore their minds.

If academia taught me anything, it was critical thinking skills, and to understand that I don’t know what I don’t know. Something you will rarely ever hear any Doctor admit.

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