You're correct. Joe Biden is the sock puppet with the signature for Executive Orders the Democrats needed to fulfil their dream of creating a socialist/communist America.

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President Trump in Detroit, Michigan last night (Saturday) said there are illegal aliens from 180 countries who have invaded the US. So, having to deal with just 68 foreign languages isn't that bad. Consider this -- how much taxpayer funded revenue will it take the Government Printing Office to produce documents for these illegals to read and understand our nation's legal requirements? What about states having to provide interpreters and teachers at schools required to educate these non-American speaking illegal alien students? What about textbooks, or basic English classes for these students to understand basic, everyday requirements? This is a logistical nightmare that's going to cost taxpayers another fortune -- and it's NOT going to improve the education standards of American students already suffering at the hands of a Woke Marxist Federal Education Department and national teachers' unions? Then there's healthcare -- and we repeat the entire process for not only kids, but their parents. This is yet another debacle dumped on American taxpayers by incompetent Joe "Sh*t-for-Brains" Biden and his corrupt Democrats who are willing to destroy our country just to rule over its ashes.

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I now believe one of the reasons Biden imported so many is to destroy our education system, not just to get Democrat voters and more congressional districts in Blue states. As 95% of Americans are reduced to serfs, education is not needed.

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I taught in FL for decades, and we always had trouble finding enough foreign language teachers.

Do the math. Now suddenly we need 20,000 MORE!

Not everybody who speaks a language can teach it. Teaching is a skill. Also we need many more counselors and translators and other personnel who speak other languages. This is a disaster for the schools.

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Biden Regime WANTS the next generation to be uneducated.

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Read a dispatch from a distraught Tennessee parent who said education levels in his community of 100,000 had crashed because of illegal immigrant children who speak 65 different languages. Biden's illegal alien invasion is an intentional attack on America by Marxists within our government. We need another Republican U.S. Senator with Joseph McCarthy's courage to uncover the leftist rot in the federal government, starting with the Justice Department, FBI and CIA.

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Sixty-five languages!!!!!!!

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Actually, he said 68 languages...

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This is why we need Trump so this border can be fixed ASAP!! If the trends continue, at some point, the education system will collapse under the strain.

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Yep! And so will our health care systems.

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That already has begun, to some extent.

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It's already failing with Common Core, which means our schools are teaching less and less academics every year.

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