This hoard of millions of illegal aliens shipped to Blue states and cities by Joe Biden will be included in US Census counts to create new Democrat controlled congressional districts, thus increasing membership in the communist inspired Squad led by Washington Democrat Representative Pramila Jaypal.

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Yes, AND they are using illegals to change Red states to Purple or Blue states. THAT is the main reason the Biden Regime is trying to keep them in Texas. Texas is Democrats BIG target for 2024. They are spending a never-before amount of money for a senate seat to defeat him. The Census Bureau committed fraud with 2020 census figures to help Dems. Surely, they will do the same in 2030.

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And that fool governor of MU wants reparations for blacks in New York. Is the race card the only thing the democrats have to offer!!! This bitch is ugly both inside and out.

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Race baiting is all they have left to get back the black vote.

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They still have teacher unions ..

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The oath of the military is to the Constitution, not the prez. By not removing Biden for his in-your-face attacks on the Constitution by refusing to “ensure the laws are faithfully executed,” the military has epically failed their oath, just as the leadership of the House & Senate have failed by not immediately expelling any member submitting any legislation at-odds with their oath: legislation that is anti-free speech, anti-gun, pro-unwarranted search (“Patriot Act”), etc., as well as ANY legislation not supported by the enumerated powers.

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Awh, but it is you & others who support the Constitution whom the military will turn their guns on IF a Democrat wins the White House in 2024.

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That didn’t work out too well for the last empire turning its guns on Americans in our homeland.

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Unfortunately, too many Americans of 2023 are self-centered cowards.

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Yup. Part of the status-seeking & I’m ok-you’re ok celebrity culture

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Over the decades we lived in and around Portland, Oregon, we noticed the abject arrogance and selfishness of Liberals/Democrats. It grew stronger and more obvious during the Bush 43 years. They believe that only THEY were virtuous enough to be allowed to vote.

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“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”

William F. Buckley

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Giving drivers licenses or enrolling in colleges is the first step to giving them voting privileges. Michigans installed unholy three are doing the same thing.

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Oregon began giving illegals drivers' licenses in the 1990s. When Oregon passed a bill that people could register to vote at the DMV (about 15 years ago), the clerks would automatically sign illegals up as Democrats, so they could receive propaganda from the Oregon Democrat Party. The clerks were not allowed to ask the illegal what party they wanted to register with. Americans don't have a chance, do we?

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Legislation to stop this practice would be a correct answer in an America that is operating under the Constitution. We have already been taken over by extreme leftist radicals that are working on destroying our country. Civil war is now the only answer.

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We are in the current mess because the federal government has NOT been operating under the US Constitution, and Americans have been allowing it.

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Close the borders for two years!!!

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When President Trump returns, he is likely to implement a moratorium on all immigration to give us time to deal with and adjust for the biggest group of foreigners America has EVER had.

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Twenty. It’ll take at least one generation to assimilate this many.

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IF, IF, IF they want to be assimilated. Many do not, AND Democrats want them to retain the culture they brought with them, including NOT learning English. That way, they make better serfs.

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... which is the entire point of forcing the least-successful culture on the planet on the most successful culture in the known universe. And, as I noted yesterday, the purpose of the exhibit cleansing of whites from Western Civ...

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Make it 5 - it would take that long to track all the invaders down and deport them. Plus, once you came illegally, you will no longer be eligible to file to immigrate to the USA.

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When President Trump returns, he is likely to implement a moratorium on all immigration to give us time to deal with and adjust for the biggest group of foreigners America has EVER had.

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Now the question is, how do we get him back into the White House with the Democrats ready for the biggest cheat in history.

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I am worried for Trump's safety.

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Yup. He never will be allowed back in the WH. Nor will RFK. It’ll be a false flag.

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I am too!

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