Socialized Medicine (Canada). Here is an example I can verify. My neighbor in NC got breast cancer, and 1 1/2 months later her close friend in Montreal was diagnosed with the same type and approximately the same size of breast cancer tumor. Same risk.

My neighbor started chemo within 2 weeks, followed by radiation and lumpectomy, all completed within 5 months. She's thriving.

Her Canadian friend was put on a Waiting List. Seven months later (no exams in between) she had a double mastectomy --- major surgery --- at the age of 83. No chemo. No radiation. No followup. 1950's cancer treatment. She was told that double mastectomy is "standard treatment."

Do The Math. The survival rates US vs. Canada are 91% vs 89%. Sounds small, but...

In 2024 ~367,220 US women will get breast cancer. 91% will survive. 33,000 will die.

With Canada's treatment, only 89% would survive. 40,400 would die. That's 7,400 unnecessary deaths due to socialized medicine for one disease in one year.

Socialized Medicine = Waiting Lists and the cheapest possible treatment and more deaths.

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We women DID win that battle in the sixties and seventies! Equal pay and equal opportunity. A whole lot changed that the crybabies of today know nothing about.

The Democrats are WRONG. You can't just "be anything you want to be." And putting a woman in a job she can't handle isn't a WIN for anybody.

Having a woman President is a huge disadvantage when dealing with countries and cultures that disregard women. Kamala cannot go eyeball to eyeball with any Muslim country's leader. Kamala cannot back Putin off like Trump did. Kamala cannot shut up Little Rocket Man like Trump did with a face-to-face visit complete with credible threats. Trump backed off one terrorist leader by presenting him with a satellite photo of his home and telling him he'd kill him if he harmed one American.

Kamala can't do that. No woman can.

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Democrats are grifters who thrive on victimhood.

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And speaking of unreformable socialism, the reason we're now stuck with a terminally ignorant population is that our idealistic, communistic forebears gave us the government schools that are indoctrinating our kids: "No, we are not going to fix the public schools": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/no-we-are-not-going-to-fix-the-public

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NO, they did NOT! In colonial times, all schools were church schools and other private schools.

Free public schools began between 1850 and 1870, depending on the states and were controlled by local communities.

The Federal Government NEVER had a role in public schools until Democrat Jimmy Carter created the US Dept of Education in 1979. We went from 1st in education worldwide to 24th. The US Dept of Education is UNCONSTITUTIONAL but has an annual budget of $223.92 BILLION. The Democrats also gave us Common Core, which is soviet education ---uniformity.

You can't blame that on the Founding Fathers! That's on the communist Democrats.

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Please read my article before commenting on it. The "church schools" of the late 1600s were "public" in the sense that all communities were compelled to offer them, fund them, and enroll all children in them. And no, you don't need a federal government to destroy the government schools.

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DZ, corporations don’t pay taxes. People who buy their products or services pay for whatever taxes/costs the companies incurs.

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