Sep 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Good article, Diane. The future looks scary no matter who wins. I believe the left will tear up everything in sight if Pres DJT wins. If Kommila wins, it’s full blown socialism. Draconian stuff coming our way. COVID proved that Americans are mostly all talk and all compliant to the powers that be. I’ve thought the last ten years or so that all these huge multi-unit buildings being built ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, everywhere, that these were Americas future. I hope I’m wrong 🥺. Come Lord Jesus.

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Sep 27Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Kamala with her ridiculous word salads. I've learned that when a democrats mentions a holistic approach to solving problems that means that it's gonna be an absolute failure. Great article, Diane.

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I am too old to move again, and I dread the future. I am in a somewhat protected area of WA state, but that can and will change eventually. I foresee major civil unrest coming no matter who wins the election!

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THAT is your problem “no matter who wins the election” so u already are slaved. Trump will not allow our county to be socialist but you have allowed them to take your mind - hope- independence - so yea, you are already dead Eddie.

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When Democrat Kamala Harris refers to "holistic," better seriously check on her intentions. Radical Democrats are infamous for consistently misnaming legislation and lying about their intentions. Consider The Affordable Care Act, The Inflation Reduction Act, and the Green New Deal's 15-minute city idea, which means you'll actually be confined to an open prison controlled by bureaucrats who can restrict your travel, your purchases and where and how much you can spend.

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With many North Carolinians probably being unable to vote, will the Marxist and the Maoist be able to cheat their way into the WH?

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I believe Trump and Elon Musk will resolve those serious voting issues and impediments North Carolinians are facing. I think the Trump campaign will see to it that those abandoned voters are provided with an official means to vote. We have 30 days before the election. Trump and Musk will figure it out.

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Thank you for writing about this. So many are unaware of any of this. Please continue awakening ( even more) the citizens & ways to push back. Awareness is key, and then local involvement in city council voting is next. City councils are making “ amendments” to future developments that are directing affecting us.

These are done legally without a vote of the people. Everyone should be checking their city council websites for “ future development” plans. Attending city council meetings are better than trying to change decisions already made.

Importantly, NGO ( non- gov. organizations), have been working with U.N. to accomplish these premeditated plans to control us. Development plans won’t say “ U.N.” on them, but the language to justify & advocate for change is always the same. Rosa Koire is an excellent resource to learn more. The book, “ Behind the Green Mask” she wrote years ago but is still relevant. Best part, she explains how to push back. YouTube has videos of her prior to her cancer death. She left a legacy of crucial information & whistleblower- first hand accounts of the evil plans exposed.

Let’s take her lead and expose even more. It’s one thing to have the information, it’s another to slow or stop this progress. That takes effort, time, and courage. We all have that, if it’s important enough to us. And it should be.

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I grew up in East Wenatchee. Until the 2020 riots, I spent most of my adult life in the Portland area. I, literally, hate the Democrat Party and those who vote for them. They have done SO MUCH harm to America and Americans.

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