America is like a dog which has birthed 10 puppies and has only three teats!!!

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CORRECTION: Greg Abbott, like most Republicans, thinks he is defending his state. What he is in fact doing is dooming the country to a Democrat future. Unless Republicans suddenly wake up and take control of the destinations of the illegal aliens flooding our country, we are going to be extinct by 2040. As usual we cannot extend our imaginations to look at what the Democrats are doing and emulate them; instead we "stand on principle" and lose everything. We are not going to get Democrats to close the border just by screaming at them. And busing their aliens to their cities is, in the long run, suicidal. REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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I understand your point. But, if red states have laws that THEY can arrest and deport illegals they will be helping Trump when he starts his mass deportations.

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Even if he manages to overcome the election fraud, Trump will not succeed in deporting the illegals. People who think that Trump can be elected in 2024 obviously don't understand what he's up against. He was defeated in 2020 by a consortium of businesses who rely on THE CHEAP LABOR OF EXPLOITED ILLEGAL ALIENS, together representing as much as half our economy. Trump throttled big business' supply of illegal labor and made the issue a centerpiece of his public policy, thereby calling attention to their criminal hiring of aliens. Do you really believe that Trump can whip the agriculture, mining, manufacturing, retail, transportation, hotel, restaurant, and other industries combined? Keep dreaming: Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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This illegal alien invasion succeeds because Republican leadership has done nothing to stem the flood of lawbreakers corporate America obviously supports. With seven months before the general election there's now putative noise from some elected Republicans objecting to 10-12 million illegals. Where the hell were they in the first year of Biden's open border policy? Is there no legal means congressional Republicans could have taken to at least slow the invasion? Once again politicians have ignored the will of the people in favor of campaign contributions from their special interest groups. This is a stunning dereliction of duty and failure to uphold the oath each swore to protect and defend what's left of our great country.

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The House could have and should have defunded all the agencies and NGOs who help illegals.

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Joe Biden is funding the NGOs — as are we taxpayers, but we have no voice until November.

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There are probably just as many corrupt Republicans as Democrats taking money from corporations that hire illegals.

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You can bet your bottom dollar on that.

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The last time a buncha Democrat states rejected federal law, the president invaded them…

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