FedNow’s real-time payment system began July 20th. In recent weeks federal bureaucrats, AKA Deep State, and their public relations firm, AKA Big Media, have been touting the “convenience” of using FedNow, which is currently voluntary for both banks & depositors. Payments through FedNow will reduce cash usage, enabling the government to collect ever larger proportion of taxes and completely destroy the rights guaranteed to you under the Bill of Rights. Once most money is sucked into the FedNow system all financial transactions will be controlled by one Central Bank and “money” will be reduced to digits in cyberspace, CBDC: Central Bank Digital Currency.
If the Deep State does not want you to buy that steak, gas up for a trip to visit grandma and/or see the “Sound of Freedom” movie, you will not be allowed to. YOUR money will, in reality, be THEIR money. You won’t control usage of “your” money. Indeed, if you don’t behave as proscribed by the Ruling Elite, they will have the power to withhold the digital currency you earned until you change your behavior.
The FedNow Service facilitates “faster payments” via instant, irrevocable transaction settlement, making funds available to the payee in near real time. In addition, clearing and settlement features are available 24/7/365. The average consumer will see little or no benefit, because, without FedNow, the money from a debit card purchase is removed within minutes. The FedNow Service will be introduced in phases, with new features and enhancements released over time. Eventually, the federal government will outlaw cash and mandate that ALL financial transactions be handled through ONE HUGE CENTRAL BANK, completely controlled by the whims of the Ruling Elite.
FedNow will have a groundbreaking impact on government payments to and from businesses and consumers. For example, the government will receive tax return payments and issue tax refunds instantly. The greedy DC Swamp is not satisfied collecting 26.6% of the national GDP. Once cash is outlawed and FedNow is the only way Americans can buy food, pay rent and keep the lights on, federal bureaucrats are expecting to increase tax collections to 34.1 of the Gross Domestic Product. That, of course, will further diminish the middle class, throw more Americans into poverty and increase the power politicians and bureaucrats over every tiny aspect of our lives.

Americans: Don’t trade your God-given freedoms for a little convenience.
Paying monthly bills online is SO CONVENIENT, but this habit, which I recently UNADOPTED, will only help the federal government to outlaw cash, set up digital currency and control everything you do. Write checks to pay your monthly bills. Yes, this is a little inconvenient, but after FedNow is fully implemented, you will wish you had.
STOP using your debit card for purchases! Stop NOW! Get into the habit, like I did over a year ago, of regularly going to an ATM or your bank branch and withdrawing cash. If someone gives you cash DO NOT DEPOSIT IT INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. If you receive a check, take it to the bank and convert it into cash instead of depositing it. And stop using your credit card! Use cash for as many of your purchases as you can. This is a little inconvenient, but fighting for freedom has always been inconvenient.
Get all your money out of Big Banks. Do ALL your banking with small, local banks and credit unions. It will be harder for our overlords to develop a nationwide system controlled by one big federal central bank if significant numbers of Americans keep their money in local, INDEPENDENT banks. After decades of banking with Big Bank, we closed our last account last year. We moved our banking business to a local credit union. Yes, our credit union still has ATMs!
Tell your friends. The more of us who adopt this habit, the harder it will be for our overlords to set up their draconian cashless society. According to the experts, by using cash, we can slow down and perhaps stop the disappearance of cash AND your freedoms.
You think you have “rights?” Ha! They will be wiped out the very minute cash is outlawed, starting with the Second Amendment.
Somebody help me ...
How is writing checks gonna help us? ...
I can't imagine anyway of stopping them from imposing a CBDC on us ...
So how would this help? ... what affect would writing checks have on the CBDC initiative?
Reminds me of that old analogy about slowly heating the frog in the pot so it wont jump out.