It's absolutely amazing to what ends those in fraudulent power will go to in censoring our correspondence. It feel like we are having to develop "code speak" to post anything on social platforms, or gather in small groups to talk in order to share ideas with like minded people. Like most, I knew there was a "Deep State," or "Swamp," and I knew of some of the capabilities from my Intel days in the Military. Back in those days we didn't have all the social platforms and such. It stands to reason, any strength can be turned into a weakness, and we have to remember the enemy is very patient. In this case, we have developed speedy communications, the ability to converse in major groups, and so on with email, internet, social media. Now, we have a dependence on these forms of communications, so the enemy uses it against us to control what we see. We need the Red Wave like never before.

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We saw this last election and it is happening again, so Gmail ratcheting down our data and even removing others is no surprise. Gmail and other social media have been harshly monitoring all correspondence and posts since Congress voted that social media has carte blanche to do as they please. They are under the same blanket of protection as newspapers.

I wondered where some of Dale’s saved papers etc. went, and why his posts were not being sent, nor Emails, but here it is, the demons are running rampant again.

The Libs. are white faced with fear but nothing will stop the wave of red in November; we have had it and we are protecting our rights and nation.

MAGA is already enacted!

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Joni: COW no longer has any INDEPENDENT, locally-owned newspapers. Small towns and rural areas are getting the same Big Corporate filtered & biased news that big city newspapers spew out because they are all owned by large media companies. Such papers do still exist in the Mid-West, but not in COW. There is literally NO WAY a news consumer can be 100% certain he/she is getting the facts, ALL THE FACTS. One example: out local "small town" newspaper just published a glowing puff piece about the AOC-like Democrat running for congress in Washington's 3rd district. I was told by the editor a month ago that they would NOT be reporting on the REPUBLICAN candidate because "it is not my job to provide advertising" for him. Yep, the editor actually said that in an email to me. It is amazing that ANY Republican or Conservative EVER gets elected. Diane

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Hello Diane,

So very true, President Trump might be the last Republican US President if the Lib. crazies keep bringing illegals into our country and orchestrating illegal elections.

Our freedoms are slowly diminishing as illegals, homeless, and others are given rights and freedoms. Most likely our freedoms could be gone forever if we Republican/Conservatives don’t stand up and vote them out.

The small town newspaper had unmitigated gall to print such a falice. So, what is the small newspapers job? to report only liberal tripe and who won the chili cook off? Thank goodness we have Conservative writers that dare to step out from the puppeted leadership and report facts, defying their feeble attempt rule as NWO.

Thanks for good writing!


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