Like a leopard, FAKE biden cannot change his spots nor his appalling behavior. He has PROVEN to be INCOMPETENT FOR HIS LIFETIME! Now he is proving he is as HATEFUL as he is RACIST and he has NO REDEEMING QUALITIES WHATSOEVER! CHANGE MY MIND!

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Kurt Schlicter continues to note that Trump isn’t OUR last chance; he’s the last chance of the establishment not to get hanged. And if they screw with this election enough to alter the outcome, what possible point would there be in not using 2A for its defined purpose? Some of us want a free future for our kids and WILL fight for it.

The Senate today abandoned their duty, ignored the Constitution they take an oath to support, and by their actions, accused the House as having acted unconstitutionally by voting impeachment articles of which the Senate rejects the constitutionality - an action entirely outside the bounds of the Senate.

The Senate no longer has constitutional governing authority in OUR self-governing American Republic.

Now what?

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Well, I have heard the Brunson Case was already decided by SCOTUS and has yet to be announced. EVERYTHING will then be overturned by this FAKE CONgress since the election WAS STOLEN and BARELY ANYONE has a REAL OATH OF OFFICE ON FILE...therefore they are ILLEGITIMATE AND SO IS EVERY 'LAW' enacted since 1/1/21. This is going to be GLORIOUS to watch ARRESTS happen--that is if anyone remains once the Angel of Death rolls through--God has released it just like in the Book of Exodus. GOING TO BE EPIC!

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I may be mistaken, but the idea anyone will be arrested or prosecuted under a Garland DoJ seems fanciful.

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The ENTIRE FAKE ADMIN IS GOING TO GITMO....garland is a TRAITOR--in case you didn't notice. The AG is supposed to UPHOLD THE LAW and he has consistently DONE THE OPPOSITE! HIDING EVIDENCE of FAKE biden's MANY TREASONS while CONCOCTING FAKE CRIMES against Trump. Not going to work. Only those blinded by FAKE hatred cannot see--but they will and SOONER than we think.

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While I agree with you re: Garland, he’s the guy who would be arresting himself. Ain’t gonna happen.

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SCOTUS rejected hearing Brunson in March of 2023…

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Only refused one of three cases. STAY TUNED.

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Another stupid ass produced by Scranton PA.

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They hate him in Scranton.

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It's interesting after three years of O'Biden shenanigans that supposedly thinking, breathing Americans still support him. Only this last weekend I heard two people whom I thought I knew fairly well, burst out and speak quite disparaging about Trump. Don't know if it's just another infection of TDS or brief insanity! But another guest and myself disagreed whole-heartedly before my wife quickly changed the subject. This disease is worse than Covid, as there's no antidote and spreads fast among idiots!

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They are too stupid to realize they are voting for their own demise.

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Each day the Biden-Obama administration drops another jackboot, but do the American people hear the measured tread of the Democrats’ threatening police state?

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Biden voters are too stupid to realize they are voting for their own demise.

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They are repeating the history of Cuba, Venezuela and now Brazil where Biden’s operatives helped to elect the country’s new communist dictator.

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I fear that the bastard will out live me.

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I hope not!!!! America needs more Normal Americans like you!

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