FBI management is disgusting. But what kind of agent would murder a helpless freak like this? I wonder if agents ever think about what they’ve done. Or is it like Deutschland in the late 30’s….. “I was only following orders!”

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I was only following orders.

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This is the fate of many of us who disagree and dislike the traitorous pedophile who masquerades as our president. He should be deposed at the least. This Stalin without a brain who sells our country to China and Russia for personal profit and gain?! Now murder? He should be on the block!

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A long time ago, I respected and admired FBI agents enough to apply to be an agent after my career ended as a police officer. Obviously, I did not make it and now I am so glad. They have become the Gestapo of the 30s and I would have been kicked out for being outspoken. I believe that the top 20% needs to be removed and new management put into place in order to save this once great organization.

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I agree! And Trump will fire the entire top layer.

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