“Hush money” is no different from a DA offering a plea bargain to make something “go away” to be less expensive to deal with. Both are examples of the person with more power using that power to “make something go away.”

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Excellent comparison!!!!

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The Democrats remind me of Oscar Wilde's 'Picture of Dorian Gray." Pull back the veil and it reveals the horror of the suppurating putrefaction caused by their lust for political power.

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Excellent reference. Their ideas have rotted with age and most are hurting Americans & America. THAT is why they could not find a 2020 candidate OTHER than a demented, very old man.

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S0r0s is psst his expiration date. He's a well oiled billionaire. Thinks he deserves power. Nobody needs or deserves that much money- they always go rogue.

Wouldn't his billions do well to assist those people around the globe better than shuffling them around the earth, endangering so very many?

Oh, to help them is not his goal. To rule them is.

He needs to go. He is not relevant. He has worn out his welcome.

Like every criminal, he needs his time behind bars in a real prison.

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As a Nazi, he could have and should have lost his US citizenship and deported LONG ago.

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