Only when the people realize that WE hold the power will this madness stop. More and more are waking up to this reality, but far too many are still clueless.

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Jo: You will appreciate the following. It is part of a letter to the New York Times editor referring an article wherein the writer twisted like a pretzel to explain how Tarrio and other blacks & Latinos became white supremacists. Hilarious. Diane

"My husband and I are riot refugees from the Portland area where Antifa was born in 2007 and has grown ever since. Now that the Portland police have been defunded, Antifa owns the streets. From the time Trump was running for office until the time we escaped in December 2020 I noticed that Antifa showed up at virtually every event that they, the hate-filled thugs that they are, deemed "fascist." That included religious gatherings, events where a local GOP office holder was speaking, Pro-Life conferences, the annual Reagan Dinners, the annual Lincoln Dinners, as well as at Trump rallies. Indeed, certain comedians that Antifa didn't like cancelled their engagements due to threats on their lives. Many, many venues stopped booking any event Antifa did not approve of because the insurance costs were too high. Antifa HATES free speech and free press.

While I am aware that Mr. Tarrio made at least one trip to Portland during the five-month long BLM/Antifa riots, I never met him. I do know that, were it not for Proud Boys presence at events, the violence from Antifa would have been worse. Just their presence scared the Antifa thugs, many of whom are weenies who always pick on people who are weaker, such as older ladies. Proud Boys acted as unpaid bodyguards. There were minor clashes between the Antifa terrorists and Proud Boys members from time to time; but, I know from personal observations that attendees & event participants would have been physically harmed by Antifa if Proud Boys were not standing by. Proud Boys members just stand around, watching. They did not engage Antifa unless they were harassing or assaulting attendees or participants. From early 2017 to late 2020 I was present at 25-30 such events where Antifa thugs were kept at bay by Proud Boys merely standing around."

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100% true! I can attest to this as well!!

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Dangerous times!!

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Rick: How nation is being killed in virtually every way a nation can die, from every direction. Diane

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