"Other than security guards and maintenance workers, only one percent of DC’s federal workforce is actually working in the government offices taxpayers are paying for." THAT'S INSANE! Just Restacked...

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whomever elects not to quit their worthless jobs, they probably have sealed indictments awaiting them already so that will take care of the rest! I cannot wait for the schaff to BE GONE FOR GOOD! We are being ROBBED BLIND and I can barely make ends meet as it is! Looking forward to being able to hold onto my money for a change! TIRED OF BEING A SLAVE to a bunch of WORTHLESS, SATANIC PEDOS and THEIR SOULLESS MINIONS!!!!!!

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'only 1 percent of DC's federal workforce is actually working ...' and stop the quote right there. I'd be surprised if it was that many

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This is such a great idea to have a job to cut these useless government programs that our tax dollars to live in luxury. Great article, Diane.

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Cutting out wasteful spending is long overdue can't wait to see it happen and people better be hiring lawyers for all the damage they've done to the country and the people its been a long 4 years and I'm glad its finally coming to an end.

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The amount of damage in just 4 years is hard to contemplate.

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The nauseating smiles and pure joy on these faces is hideous! They will take away peoples livelihoods and leave destruction behind that many families will not be able to fix. The son of Musk will never want for anything in his life!! Nothing!!

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