Hello Diane,

Disgusting indeed! This person’s display of indecency proved that any stray cat can win affections if they raise their back high enough and meow! Loud. Well, she did just that!

I believe as the decades rolled by, America started breaking down because of Liberal allowances, ignorance of our rights, and Hollywood stripping down. Those endeavors changed the rule of American morality and decency to the point that anything, anytime, anywhere is alright. I believe, immorality and disrespect of self and country, partnered with Liberals who scrapped God and participated in crooked elections, along with allowing a WOKE society, have crippled our nation to near demise. Because of their permissiveness and denial of our beloved Constitution and unspoken laws of decency and self pride, this country sits in shambles awaiting the next blow.

Taking God out of the equation began the decline of morals, decency, and living, according to the guidelines that our forefathers set fourth when the blueprint was penned for America to live their best , prosperous, God loving lives.

Great writing, as usual, my friend.

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Joni: I agree! I would add that "sex ed" which turned into more & more perversions as the years rolled on (now transgendering kids) has created and rewarded more & more promiscuity. Six subscribers unsubscribed because of that disgusting photo, so I replaced it with a big red X. Diane

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I agree, my friend. The sick LGBT and other demented sexual teachings to our kids from lower grades to college students is unheard of. Liberalism, Marxism, it all stems from the plan to attempt a NWO and bow to their domination and control. When they began the movement to strip us of our gun rights, I saw the birth of a takeover.

On another paralyzing note, I never fathomed in my entire life, that our leaders could turn on the very people that represent America, “We the people”. The very fiber of America has been stripped from us with threats of jail, fines and more. We are threatened if we dare go against their crazy laws, new regulations, and warnings. Caucasians, especially white Christians are now the enemy of America, and the cause of the racial division, because the corrupt leadership says so. I heard A US Presidents wife call us crackers during a speech at a college. It was an abhorration to our society of good Americans who crafted the bones of this country. Shameless behavior for a First Lady of any country.

I pray that one day we will see a strong, Conservative US President back into office so this country can hold our heads up and prosper once more.

Good writing as always.

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Every generation pushes the sex buttons. It’s how “culture” develops. The progressives want to destroy most religions except the disgusting ones.(Disgusting is in the hearts of the beholder)

Half Time is morphing into Half-assed Time.

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Ironic as another author on sub stack was writing just the opposite about Republicans. I challenged this sentiment in the comment section and it didn't go very well. Have a read - but be forewarned - it's quite maddening!


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Jo: I commented and I posted my "Dignity" article for her to read. So, she lives in Portland? No offense to the normal Americans you and I left behind in the Portland Area, but there MUST BE something wrong with someone who LIVES IN A CESSPOOL and can't smell it. Diane

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