As you know, PA was one of the states which codified election corruption. The legislature did not change the rules. The democrats did and corrupt judges went along. A PA state Republican representative did have 40 hours of meetings and the committee came up with a plan to fix the procedure, but the a-hole governor was refusing to sign so it went nowhere. Republicans are feckless in so many cases. I live in SC half the year. And like it better than PA. Food’s better, people are nicer and polite, gasoline is cheaper and you hear sir and ma’m frequently. Many grocery stores offer to help with taking heavy bags to the car. Weather is better. It’s just a less stressful environment.

There are a few moronic politicians here but we don’t have mutants like Fetterman, etc.

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Interesting. We live part of the year in South Dakota where the people are SO MUCH NICER, more cheerful, more respectful, etc. than those in Oregon & Washington.

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Being a conservative, Republican former chairwoman, why did Ronna even confess that Biden was legitimately elected? Why didn't she say the election was stolen? Kristen still was going to badger Ronna anyway. Why was she even hired by liberal NBC? She should have been working for Newsmax or OAN or some other conservative news outlet.

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Yes, I was VERY disappointed that Ronna said Biden was the legitimate president. He was not CONSTITUTIONALLY elected. I can't imagine why ANY Conservative or Republican would go on these shows, knowing they will be abused.

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Perhaps Ronna hoped that SHE could dominate that show, changing the minds of those who are in charge of MSNBC. She didn't do that. As for Biden being elected, he didn't constitutionally get elected since he stole, rather than earned, more than 270 electoral votes. In fact, those 300 + Electoral Votes don't belong to him. One study showed that, if we had traditional Election Day voting, with the election laws as they USED to be, with legalized absentee voting, military and affidavit ballots, Trump REALLY won 412 to 126 Electoral Votes, if you only count LEGAL votes in the key states that would have helped tip the election to Trump.

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I knew Trump won, but I had never seen the 412 electoral votes. WOW! Do you have a map of the states that made up the 412?

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I don't, but there was a study which I read about. No map was provided. I am sure there may be a map somewhere; if there WAS a map, whoever did that study probably looked into the states that WOULD have made up the 412. Again, it was a hypothetical, not reality; it was based on counting LEGAL votes, no mail-ins or ballot harvesting or any of that B.S. You count the LEGAL votes, LEGAL absentee voting, military and affidavit ballots; that's what they did. It would be neat if they had provided a map; I would want to know if New York was won by Trump in this hypothetical election result.

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To protect our sanity and blood pressure, we avoid NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC nor CBS. That Ronna McDaniel’s NBC career ended quicker than the light from a shooting star was a surprise. Guess she failed the network’s “election denier” lie test. For that she deserves some credit.

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We stopped watching these "news" outlets 25 years ago. But, I see clips of their idiocy on YouTube.

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I like to watch FOX, OAN, The First, NewsMax, Scripps News, Just The News, and there's even a new channel called The News As it USED to be. That's a channel that only give you the news, the who, what, how, why, where and when. No talk shows, no interview programs, no reporter's opinions, just the day's hard news, like what CNN Headline News used to be.

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Thanks for the tip!

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You're welcome, and I'm glad you appreciate that, Diane!!

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