Constitutional right or not, this whole idea of defending the border without federal cooperation is doomed. When will Republicans start taking a page out of the Democrats' successful playbook and start winning the game by playing by the same rules as the Democrats do? Why do we keep stomping our feet and screaming at Biden, who is laughing at us?

REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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In reality, Biden does no more than eat ice cream and soil his pants in public, but 'Bama and other avowed Marxists in his regime and that of the Demon-crats are actually making happen what attrocities you see now.

America is in deeper sh*te than that of Bidens shorts.

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Did you read my "Two Americas" article published last week? THAT will curl your hair!

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That is now on my short "to do" list!

Thank you!

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