Ole Jimmy Was Against Election Fraud, Before He Was For It

Former President Jimmy Carter was so concerned about election integrity that, in 2005, he volunteered to co-chair a 21-member bipartisan presidential commission to study and recommend how to strengthen election integrity and increase confidence among American voters. He said:
“Elections are the heart of our democracy. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 made an historic contribution, but one law is not enough. The American people are losing confidence in the system*, and they want electoral reform. We have forged a comprehensive package of reforms that represent the best path toward modernizing our electoral system, and we hope that the President, the Congress, and the states will consider them seriously.”
On September 19, 2005 former President Jimmy Carter (Democrat) and former Secretary of State James Baker (Republican), co-chairs of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, presented their report to President George W. Bush. Their report contained 87 recommendations for changes to the federal electoral process to ensure fairness and accuracy.
After a year-long investigation, Jimmy, James and 19 others issued a report with a series of recommendations designed to strengthen the integrity of the election process and reunify the nation.* Their key recommendations were 1) increase voter ID requirements; 2) minimize the use of mail-in ballots which they found to be the “largest source of potential voter fraud;” 3) outlaw ballot harvesting by third parties; 4) purge voter rolls of all ineligible or fraudulent names and 5) allow election observers to monitor the ballot counting without restraint or obstruction.
Do these recommendations sound familiar? The Democrats, in order to rig the 2020 presidential election, studied Jimmy’s recommendations and did the exact opposite. Democrats, AKA election deniers, never accepted the 2000 & 2004 & 2016 presidential elections because they did not win. They whined and nagged for Bush to convene Jimmy’s commission in order to find out how best to cheat. Indeed, Jimmy was an election denier regarding the 2016 election, and publicly stated that he approved of the way Democrats rigged the 2020 election, by NOT following ANY of the Carter-Baker Commission’s recommendations.
Since the Carter-Baker Report was completely ignored by Bush, Obama & Trump, the stage was set to rig the 2020 election. Beginning in 2019, Democrats filed nearly 300 lawsuits, most in battleground states. These suits focused on expanding the use of mail-in ballots, dilute voter ID requirements, permit third-party ballot harvesting, and other practices that Carter-Baker had specifically recommended against.
Democrats followed up their initial attacks on election integrity by dispatching 600 lawyers and 10,000 volunteers to all the battleground states three months before the 2020 election. Using Covid as their main excuse, their goal was to change election laws by loosening and overturning regulations that had been instituted to make the process more secure.
Three months after Robert Mueller issued the report of his two-year long investigation which proved the Russia Collusion Hoax to be pure fiction paid for by Crooked Hillary, former President Carter got on the stage at his Carter Center in Leesburg, VA to proclaim:
“I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”
Say what? A “full investigation?” After two years and $46 Million, Jimmy, one could surely say that a “full investigation” had been conducted. You just didn’t like the results.
Showing his support of the 2020 election fraud, on January 5, 2022, President Carter wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times.
“However, one year on, promoters of the lie that the election was stolen have taken over one political party and stoked distrust in our electoral systems.** These forces exert power and influence through relentless disinformation, which continues to turn Americans against Americans.”
“Politicians in my home state of Georgia, as well as in others, such as Texas and Florida,^ have leveraged the distrust they have created to enact laws that empower partisan legislatures to intervene in election processes.”^^
“I now fear that what we have fought so hard to achieve globally — the right to free, fair elections, unhindered by strongman politicians who seek nothing more than to grow their own power — has become dangerously fragile at home.”
This American hates to criticize a person in hospice, but Ole Jimmy is the biggest hypocrite in a political party whose elected members are all hypocrites.
This report makes it clear that all the tactics used by democrats need to be followed by republicans. Now we must find well-heeled donors who can drop multi-millions of dollars to offset those on the democrat side.
Remember it was the Kennedy money who bought off Illinois to get JFK elected.