MASSIVE EVIDENCE: Systemic 2020 Election Fraud
Does anyone REALLY believe that demented Biden, who spent the entire campaign in his basement, received 16 Million MORE votes than the Messiah, Obama, in 2012? Anyone?
Former President Obama recently stated: “40% of Americans believe the 2020 election was rigged.” A recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that 52% of voters believe “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election.” This April, voters in a small rural county in the State of Washington were questioning if the balloting for a small school bond will be rigged in favor of a “yes” vote.
Across the country, in red states, in blue states, in cities, in small towns, in rural areas, Americans no longer have faith in the election process. Independents know 2020 was rigged, Republicans know it was rigged, Democrats know it was rigged. Some Democrats are worried that, if the GOP takes over in battleground states, the rigged system will be turned against Democrat candidates. The majority of Americans are worried that their votes may be wiped out by faux ballots for the foreseeable future.
Despite censorship, bullying, intimidation & threats against Americans who merely have questions, much evidence has come to light revealing SYSTEMIC ballot fraud in most Democrat-controlled jurisdictions, more so in major cities & suburbs. In a number of battle ground states, the fraud was enough to change the outcome and put a person in the White House who was NOT elected by the majority of voters. Statistical research reveals that at least 8 Million faux ballots were counted nationwide.
To name just four examples:
Wisconsin’s audit found 137,500+ counted ballots to be fraudulent. Biden “won” by 20,682 votes. In June the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against future use of drop boxes. [500 such drop boxes were installed in 2020 and were used extensively by traffickers to deliver faux ballots.]
In Philadelphia ALONE, at least 275,000 illegal ballots were cast. Biden “won” Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes.
Nevada’s audit found over 130,000 fraudulent ballots were counted, including 23,000 which had non-existent or vacant addresses, and were filled out & cast by Democrat operatives, not by voters. Biden “won” by 33,596 votes.
In Georgia, Biden “won” by 11,779 votes; yet, we now know that Fulton County (Atlanta) ALONE counted at least 17,000 faux ballots.
Mark Zuckerberg bragged that he spent $419,500,000 to ensure that President Trump was not re-elected. This money was funneled to Democrat-affiliated non-profit organizations in Democrat-controlled areas who spent it in numerous illegal ways, such as paying ballot traffickers. Like drug & sex trafficking, ballot trafficking is a felony in all 50 states. Also, such political activity violates the Internal Revenue Code for non-profits. [Additional details: 2000 Mules Documentary.]
Americans must have faith in our election processes. Yet, on the eve of the mid-terms, we are wondering if the election systems that were set up to rig the 2020 presidential election will be used to rig various House, Senate, Governor, Mayor, et al races throughout the nation. And what about the sewer commissioner’s race?
I envision a hail storm on Jan. 20th after 9 am when the new administration can start letting the charges fly in this play. How many of the 10,000+ sealed indictments in Washington State have to do with the made-to-cheat system and its creators, operators, and customers is hard to know but I know our favorite [s]elected Governor and his team are going down. I think this is in the bag, but there is a bit of drama for us in this Sheriff defunding. It has to be part of the play. It is just too blatantly criminal to be serious.