How is it tax payer money if the organization is NGO? I despise the concept, but don’t understand the connection to state or federal monies.

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What the US Constitution prohibits governments from doing, they funnel OUR money to NGOs, ALL run by Marxists, Progressives, America-Last haters, etc. so they can do it.

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You are 100% right Diane. It is reprehensible and disgusting for our government to allow this to happen. Hopefully, if Trump wins and the Republicans can win the senate and house then this evil will stop.

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We vote for it…

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They spent “my money” decades ago. Now they’re spending my g-g-g-g-grandkids’ money.

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Yep! Disgusting!

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If Kamala Harris is elected president immigration will continue to get worse. She called herself the "border czar" and we see what is happening. This is absolutely insane what is happening and the American people have to suffer for the democrats terrible policies.

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Will, Americans are being replaced. Disgusting that our own government is doing this to us.

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How does this affect me, a citizen homeowner, as the Democrat-created housing shortage drives up housing prices and increases the value of my own home?

I HAVE TO PAY HIGHER PROPERTY TAXES with no added benefit!

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It will be worse than that. Illegals who own homes will be harder for Trump to deport. The number of Biden's Guests alone equals 49 Congressional Districts.

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Especially if they promptly have an ANCHOR BABY.

That law needs to change, too! We may be the only counrty in the world who allows citizenship by simple birth (and refuses to deport the baby and the parents who sneak across the border to have a baby here at taxpayer expense).

At the time of JFK's death in Dallas' Parkland Hospital, more than 85% of all babies born in Parkland were born to illegals having an "anchor baby" and not paying any medical bills. It has to be worse now.

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That's the first thing I thought of. Illegal home owners will be allowed to stay.

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… and your kids can’t buy a home, have kids, start a family.. these are goals of the globalist establishment.

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Are you angry enough yet, folks? This is coming to all 50 States.

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Yep! If Harris/Walz cheat their way into power, illegals WILL receive FAR MORE benefits than they are getting now.

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The communist Democrat party has a single goal — CONTROL. Their rigged 2020 election exposed them as full-blown communists willing to do whatever it takes to gain and retain power, a task made easier with the triumphant support of their legacy media propaganda partners. Taxpayers have been funding Democrats and their special interest group NGOs in what is a decades old slick money laundering scheme. That taxpayers are now also funding homes, education and healthcare for illegals shouldn’t come as a surprise. With ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the press in their pockets, Democrats control the propaganda high ground. It doesn’t matter if Kamala Harris is dumb as a rock, or as stupid as Joe Biden. Barack Obama’s shadow government brains’ trust will continue manipulating and maneuvering White House policy decisions to “fundamentally transform America.” Should Commie Kamala gain the White House, it’s because low information voters ignored our warnings and believed the legacy media’s propaganda.

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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I may be gone before Americans have lost ALL our freedoms.

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