All the Rino's that voted against Jim Jordan are in bed with the Communist Democrats. They need to be fired.

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Those of us of a certain age have a sense of exigency about the future of our country. However, I cling to the hope many Americans realize now, more than ever, the stark differences between Trump’s America and Biden’s disastrous authoritarian socialist dictatorship that has hobbled our great country’s pride, strength and future. The 2024 election will make or break America’s future. President Trump offers the best path forward, but with trillions of federal dollars at stake for the military-industrial complex, I fear for his life. Study the faces of his secret service detail and the anxiety is obvious. Perhaps God, with our help, has a plan to save America. I hope it’s on November 5, 2024.

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Maybe Hakeem or FTX will send these turncoats Christmas cards to thank them. After all, by their actions they have all but guaranteed that the DemocRATs will retake the House next year, so they're just giving him a head start.

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You nailed it. Money is the root of all evil.

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John: Try as I might to save it, I believe that America is doomed. I just hope I am gone before the final collapse. Diane

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