It’s so ironic that democrats continue to elect and promote their garbage and never link society failure to their efforts and beliefs!

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They are missing what I call the "cause & effect" gene. I wrote an article about it.

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I do not believe any figures given by NBC though. No doubt that Democrats are carrying. Everyone in Detroit carries I understand from a neighbor who worked at the Detroit Police Department that moved to the suburbs because of crime.

I’ve carried for 25 years (every day). Never leave home without it. I had a large farm so I carried a 12 gauge or a shoulder holster with a handgun. It saved me a few times. Farm country shouldn’t be dangerous but it is unfortunately. We are an armed nation.

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In a mature country, if you voted for anti-gun pols, you’d be prohibited from owning a gun. Courage of one’s convictions and all that.

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