This is what one Liberal, whom I know personally, said about my article. She sent it directly to my email: "This type of alarmist hyperbole is going to get people killed. Neither the average GOP or average Dem wants to hurt America." When facts are spoken/written, the knee jerk reaction from Liberals, Marxists, et al is to blame the messenger.

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the leftist refuses to even consider what you said. What you said is plain to anyone who is paying attention.

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Meanwhile they extract riches from the carcass!!!!

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Wow. You really hit the nail on the head here.

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Great article Diane. Hope you don't mind if I pass this on to a few hundred people, who I hope will pass it on.

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Please post on your Facebook groups. I am in FB jail.

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Mind? Of course not!!! And thank you!!!

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Agree. Democrats are power-lusting Marxists.

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If Democrats make conditions bad enough, weak people, who already expect government to do everything for them, will yell for SOMEONE to take over and stop the chaos. They will give up all rights. That's when the Socialist/totalitarians step in.

Socialsts can't possibly take over a country that is prospering.

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Bingo! Please post on your Facebook groups. I am in FB jail.

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I call Facebook Farcebook!

Rick Wagner

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that is why they have to destroy America first before the takeover. So far they are succeeding.

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Leftist Democrats are incapable of critical thinking. Their brains washed with corrupt leftist media propaganda. They have become sheep, following their Judas goat leaders, blind to the turmoil that’s threatening the very survival our nation as a constitutional republic.

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After the Useful Idiots are no longer useful to the Deep State, they will be sharing a Gulag cell with the likes of you & me.

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Democrat voters are voting themselves into financial disaster. They are so incredibly ignorant. Explaining this to them is like explaining entry to a 1st grader!!

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Democrats will be forced into the Gulag shortly after Republicans.

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