SIGH. I agree with all this, but there is nothing new about DEI. It was formerly called "Affirmative Action" and it was just as toxic in the 1970s as DEI is today. It astounds me that everyone is somehow waking up just because they changed the name; better 60 years late than never, I suppose. Back then, I realized that complaining was useless, so I did the only thing I could, and I'm SO GLAD I DID. Today, you can do the same thing for yourself that I did back then: Please READ: Workplaces to Avoid — if you are White, Male, or Straight: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/workplaces-to-avoid-if-you-are-white

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I can see where affluence eventually leads to the collapse of a society. We have these smart-phone things, you see, and you can just pop one out and talk to someone on the other side of the planet, and ... it just HAPPENS. Because smart phones, like our electrical system and our fuel infrastructure, and our roads and sewers and such are just THERE. Like, I can't even identify with the idea that there was ever a time when they weren't. SO everything will just keep plugging along, no matter what we do. Get rid of the white males? Sounds good to me. Replace our software development methodology with something that an MBA can understand, so that we can fill the ranks of management with non-technical children who went to B-school? No problem! (read: https://medium.com/@davidziffer/agile-like-communism-never-fails-9125c42871e7). Get rid of all white people entirely? Even better! (watch: https://www.amren.com/videos/2023/12/mooncalves-at-harvard-think-they-understand-africa/). The average sheeple has no idea of the complexity that undergirds his/her lifestyle, and is probably too stupid to ever grasp its fragility. I've read that the generations of the dark ages lived in the shadows of the defunct Roman aqueducts, never understanding what function they formerly performed, while using their stones for building materials. Perhaps the same fate awaits our grandchildren.

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