My Dear Subscribers: I know most of you do not reside in the State of Washington. Nevertheless, you may want to learn how the Marxists who own this state are cleverly defunding elected sheriffs with the aim of eventually replacing most or all of them with lackeys appointed by the governor. You will thus be forewarned should YOUR state/county overlords copying this scheme. Diane
To Washingtonians: Below is a three page document which was drafted by and signed by Pacific County’s highest paid overlord, County Administrative Officer Paul Plakinger. Pacific County’s three commissioners bowed to his lust for more power and authority (he will oversee the new agency) by transferring jail services, AND the funding therefor, from the ELECTED Sheriff’s office to a newly created, more expensive, Department of Corrections’ Pacific County Jail Services. NOTE: As you can no doubt see, it took months to research and prepare these documents, while their plans were hidden from We The People.^
This is the second in a series of articles about what is happening in Pacific County, Washington, a county of 27,000 at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River where it empties into the Pacific Ocean. Indeed, Lewis & Clark arrived here November 18, 1805. To catch up with the increased tyranny that slapped residents across the face just days ago, you may want to read “What Is A Constitutional Sheriff, And Why Do YOU Need One.”
The difference between a Constitutional sheriff and a non-Constitutional sheriff is easy to discern. A Constitutional sheriff will not obey any laws, rules, regulations or edicts that are in violation of either the US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, or the state’s constitution. A sheriff that does not respect his residents’ constitutional rights will obey all statutes, rules, regulations and edicts signed by politicians & bureaucrats. He/she will not do any research to determine if his/her actions are constitutional, instead will merely take marching orders from state or county overlords.
Beginning the moment Sheriff Daniel Garcia, a write-in candidate, was elected (November 2022) with 61% of the vote, Pacific County “overlords,” Democrats and RINOs all, have been plotting to undermine his authority. Shortly after he was sworn in on January 1, 2023, they started the process of removing 911 Dispatch services, and the funding therefor, from the sheriff’s office, where it had been since its inception decades ago. They finalized that move in 2023.
Without notice to the public, and with only an eight-day notice to Sheriff Garcia, the county commissioners met the day after Christmas. The head overlord, County Administrative Officer, recommended to the three elected commissioners, two Democrats and one RINO, that jail management be transferred five days later, on January 1, 2025. All three voted “yes” as they read from prepared remarks, thus disenfranchising county voters and ignoring the huge outcry against this transfer.
We The People had voted for Daniel Garcia to manage all the offices which had been managed by the previous sheriff. As this article goes to press, several groups of county residents are in the process, through attorneys, of determining how to stop and/or reverse this transfer. Stay tuned.
OH! I get it now!! This last election in my county had a measure on the ballot that would raise our property taxes in an extraordinary amount without explanation for exactly how that money would be used. The measure was supposedly to cover medical expenses of inmates. Who doesn’t want to help people who are suffering illness? There was a time when our county jail took in criminals from other places and made money through that service. I see it is another Deep Blue Oregon bait and switch!! Thank God the people saw through the ruse and we retained our conservative Constitutional Sheriff who stands up 2nd Amendment rights. I’m sure the Dem power players will run another measure next election in an effort to steal our rights through their lies.
Sheriffs have served and protected the English-speaking peoples for a thousand years. The Office of Sheriff and the law enforcement, judicial and correctional functions he performs are more than 1000 years old. The Office of Sheriff dates back at least to the reign of Alfred the Great of England, and some scholars even argue that the Office of Sheriff was first created during the Roman occupation of England.
Around 500 AD, Germanic tribes from Europe (called the Anglo-Saxons) began an invasion of Celtic England which eventually led over the centuries to the consolidation of Anglo-Saxon England as a unified kingdom under Alfred the Great late in the 9th Century. Alfred divided England into geographic units called "shires", or counties.
In 1066, William the Conqueror defeated the Anglo-Saxons and instituted his own Norman government in England. Both under the Anglo-Saxons and under the Normans, the King of England appointed a representative called a "reeve" to act on behalf of the king in each shire or county. The "shire-reeve" or King's representative in each county became the "Sheriff" as the English language changed over the years. The shire-reeve, or Sheriff, was the chief law enforcement officer of each county in the year 1000 AD. He will still have the same function in the United States in the year 2000 AD.
From the Union County Sheriff’s Office in Florida