Wouldn't that be poetic justice if based on this precedent the government had to pay everyone at the J6 protest. with extra compensation for those who were jailed unjustly.

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Yes!!!!!! I love watching Dems hoisted on their own petard!

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It’s dangerous out there rioting every night. Bonus compensation is justly deserved, especially as some of they/them rioters needed funds to cover the cost of complicated surgeries to repair injured arms and shoulders from throwing heavy, explosive objects.

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Ha! Very funny!

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I assume you’re speaking of Antifers and BLMers. Whilst maybe not the smartest of moves by assembled J6ers, the govt must have had their eyes wide open on them and targeted them with staged people (read: actors). I hope they do share in a billion or two. Most of them had years of their life unjustly spent in stress.

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If you have not yet watched "The Fall of Minneapolis", you really, really need to: https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/

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Thank you, Dave. I have watched it three times. I played it Jan. 9th at our JBS movie night, which is open to the public. February's movie is "J6, A True Timeline."

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Yep. I was addressing your readers of this article.

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Ahhhh. Yes

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