What if instead of Kamila having us pay for illegals room and board, cellphones, schooling, medical expanses, +++. Maybe seniors could have dental insurance added to Medicare.

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If Kamala was really for the middle class why not no income tax on social security which is a tax on a tax. And she says nothing about SALT both help people that work!

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Kamala agreed with what was popular at the time and what is popular with her base now, which is why she avoids any conversation on every single issue. She even said that she was going to build a wall. She is a opportunist and liar.

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I'm sooo confused. Harris keeps telling us she would "turn the page", yet claims she would do nothing different from Biden. At the same time, at least 2/3 of the population is not happy with the current trajectory of our country. What the hell is her plan?

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She doesn’t have one - and that is the point !

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At this point anyone still voting for Kommila is not thinking right. She has brought nothing to the table as to what she would do other than bring more illegals into the country and raise your taxes. I agree. The woman is a liar.

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