Remarkably sane plan to rid those raccoons from the basement

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The problem is, they are always freaking out about something.

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Hysterics does seem to be their stock in trade.

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How about if they do not confirm Kash, he just shuts down the FBI? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the constitution!

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You mean, TRUMP shuts down the FBI?

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Yes, TRUMP. By whatever means available. Who created these 17 intelligence agencies that mostly prosecuted Trump? It's time for consolidation for efficiency.

The FBI spent a fortune tracking down and harassing people that were in DC on J6. Multiple times at their homes and businesses.

I had friends from NW PA at Arlington for an uncles interment visited 3 times and questioned by the FBI in PA. They didn't even know about the rally.

Another two friends were on their way back to PA when the fedsurrection started and they were harassed twice at their homes. They didn't know about it until they got back.

Shut it down. It's corrupted from the top down regardless what Hannity says.

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