Yes we could regard this as a great Democrat plan to turn red states blue, but it seems this would backfire, since states are awarded congressional districts after each census based upon the total population, including non-citizen population (see my "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game" at https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens). More likely, the Democrats have become the party of Big Business, including Big Agriculture, and they're simply giving their corporate buddies what they need, namely a non-unionized workforce with no worker protections, to replace their unionized American workforce. It amazes me that the unions haven't figured it out yet: Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration?" https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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Maybe the media should hang out in Ohio for a couple weeks. Perhaps THEN they’d either tell the truth, or shut to fuck up.

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Fox has sent reporters there, and Vivek Ramaswamy held a town hall on Thursday.

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The MSM are whores who are totally in bed with the Democrats; if you could look under the sheets without throwing up, you wouldn't be able to tell one from the other. The media know exactly what is going on, and in fact they are facilitating it.

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Fox has sent reporters there, and Vivek Ramaswamy held a town hall on Thursday.

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Great idea!

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The NGO officials raking in millions of our tax dollars ferrying and housing Kamala's illegal aliens around our country are perfidious scum suckers.

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What Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done to these towns is disgusting and unacceptable. They've ruined American people lives just to gain votes. Trump has to win to change the narrative. Great article, Diane.

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