May 22Liked by Diane L. Gruber

I think most lucid folks know in their hearts that Biden is worse-than-useless at this point. Running Michelle or some other dangerous candidate gives those diehard, Trump-hating democrats an out. We don’t want that choice either.

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"He has outlived his usefulness and now won’t leave the presidential stage." Diane, your assessment is spot on. It staggered me that it took the Marxists in the White House little more than six months to wreak havoc on our nation's booming domestic economy and foreign policy initiatives crafted for peace, not war. The enemy lodged within Joe Biden's White House succeeded in dismantling and demolishing the U.S. economy and peaceful foreign policy initiatives with such great speed and success it must be the envy of every American hating foreign power, especially Iran. So, it's not surprising Joe Biden sent his condolences to Iran's leadership on the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran. Isn't Biden's State Department still working on reviving Obama's U.S.-Iran Nuclear Agreement to give Iran's "Death to America" leaders nuclear weapons?

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The America-Last Cult is in the White House AND in way too many DC agencies. Trump will need to move fast to clean house. He only has four years to set our nation on the right course.

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