I think most lucid folks know in their hearts that Biden is worse-than-useless at this point. Running Michelle or some other dangerous candidate gives those diehard, Trump-hating democrats an out. We don’t want that choice either.

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"He has outlived his usefulness and now won’t leave the presidential stage." Diane, your assessment is spot on. It staggered me that it took the Marxists in the White House little more than six months to wreak havoc on our nation's booming domestic economy and foreign policy initiatives crafted for peace, not war. The enemy lodged within Joe Biden's White House succeeded in dismantling and demolishing the U.S. economy and peaceful foreign policy initiatives with such great speed and success it must be the envy of every American hating foreign power, especially Iran. So, it's not surprising Joe Biden sent his condolences to Iran's leadership on the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran. Isn't Biden's State Department still working on reviving Obama's U.S.-Iran Nuclear Agreement to give Iran's "Death to America" leaders nuclear weapons?

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The America-Last Cult is in the White House AND in way too many DC agencies. Trump will need to move fast to clean house. He only has four years to set our nation on the right course.

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I believe it will take longer than four years, and that is why a great person must be the candidate for vice-president. It matters now, like never before in American history. It must be a strong individual able to take blow after blow, like Trump did and does. It must be someone who above all loves America. I don't believe Tulsi Gabbard is in the running, but she should be. She's a former Democrat, who had the backbone to resign after seeing the depths of their lies. She's a woman. She's a veteran. She doesn't suffer fools, bravely she stands up for what she believes. And the most important attribute, she loves America! Would Trump a cept and work with her? We probably won't know. One thing for sure, he'd better make a greater choice than that automaton Pence.

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I agree with you!!!!! The VP needs to be someone who believes in MAGA 100% and is very strong. I am not sure, however, that I trust Gabbard. I woke up and left the DNC in 1996. What took her so long?

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Maybe unbelief. The Democrats in the last few years have changed so radically...and fast. Who could belive that the lefty radicals could wield and swing such power, so fast. Some don't see well. Some get glasses, and not the rose colored ones! Some never see at all. Some don't want to. You saw. I saw. She saw. Like Dick and Jane! Lol!

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Diane, who do you favor for VP and why?

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I favored Kristie Noem until she wiped out her chances with that stupid book. I am afraid of JD Vance because I am not convinced he is MAGA. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the most trustworthy. Doug Burgum is a very successful businessman, but I would prefer someone a little younger to carry on for 8 years after Trump. BTW, North Dakota was the ONLY state that did not suffer under Bush/Obama recession because they had previously put together an economic plan to develop their fossil fuels. I REALLY like Byron Donalds because he has a heart for America and Americans. Tim Scott is SO pleasant & so homest I worry Democrats will walk all over him.

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Anyone who had a parent with vascular dementia could recognize when Biden ran he had dementia. Vascular would make the most sense because of his aneurysm/strokes/surgery history. It’s not as predictable as Alzheimer’s. They can be lucid at times, then the next day have a terrible time doing anything—stress, infections, blood pressure, it all affects it. But eventually it worsens to severe and you saw that at the debate. I would bet he sundowns in the White House. 🙄😕

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Thank you, Dr. Wells, for these details. When I was practicing law, I had a 41-year-old client whose behavior suggested she was on drugs. Wrong! Her doctor told me she had dementia because she had a severe head injury as a 3-year-old.

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