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Aug 1Liked by Diane L. Gruber

There are none

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“I know what a border is. It’s that space where a country exists next to another country. 😂 Kamalaugh

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Regarding your comments on Democrats and their media: Our frustration stems from the fact that we cannot grasp how ignorant & brainwashed they are. They have NO idea that ANY of this is happening. I've come to realize that it must be some personality disorder that makes them immune from data that they don't want to hear. They're college-educated and often highly competentent in some field or other. I can have pleasant conversations with them on many subjects. But their radios are tuned to NPR and their TVs are tuned to MSM "news"; they believe everything they hear there and they're trained to automatically reject alternatives. When I try to refer them to original sources rather than the propaganda they prefer, the vehemently refuse. The concept of researching the "news" for themselves is not only foreign but repulsive to them. Beyond that, they seem incapable of realizing how often they've been lied to. Even lies as blatantly obvious as the Joe Biden debacle, where the media were telling them up to the day of the Trump debate that anyone disputing Joe's sharpness was a diabolical right-wing conspiracist and the next day they were preaching that same message, are completely opaque to them. I wrote an article titled, "You are drowning in an ocean of lies" that consists of nothing but a list of blatantly obvious, totally exposed media lies of the last 20 years. When I published it on Medium (dot com), Medium took the article down within a week with no explanation and no recourse; that's when I switched to Substack. Such is the data-proof mind of the Left. https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/you-are-drowning-in-an-ocean-of-lies

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I cross posted this article March 2023 and not allowed to cross post again. If you cut and paste it into a new article, with or without edits, and post it, I can then cross post to my subscribers. I have obtained many new subscribers since March 2023. Actually, I think you need to add "new lies" that Dems have been telling use since you wrote it. The dementia lie was the biggest and most obvious!

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Aug 28Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Well put David. I was discussing this yesterday, that because of the left’s chokehold on information via censorship and continuous narrative shifting, the Communist handlers can easily put out messages about Kamala’s backing of the wall and no tax on tips with zero kickback that she is parroting Trump. Trump’s messaging never leaves the Conservative echo chambers. Most people I speak to have no idea that Trump is holding rallies and has been consistently for a couple of years, let alone that Trump had the idea first about tip tax and other policy plans that the Communist nominee is now espousing.

They have never heard of Right Side Broadcasting where rallies are typically aired, or Real America’s Voice, or Bannon’s War Room. They won’t go on Truth, Gettr, or Gab. They stick to Facebook even when shown evidence of censorship and actual misinformation via “Fact Checks.” When all people hear are words like “Liar,” “Conspiracy Theory,” “Felon,” “Rapist,” repeatedly and in the absence of ALL other information, it’s easy to understand how “Normies” can consume and regurgitate such BS so easily.

As discussed in Fight Club, the movie, the left is good at packaging everything for the “Single Serving” simplistic and materialistic lifestyles. Everything designed for no effort, no thought, and convenient.

There is no incentive for these consumers (voters) to open their minds. It’s not as easy.

I think we are reaching the point that it’s too late to reach them.

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I wonder if Harris will attend the 9/10 debate. Trump should attend, regardless. The faux interview was pathetic.

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I suspect that this is why Comrade Kamala will never allow a rational debate to take place; Trump would call her on all this stuff. But it wouldn't matter; the media would like and the sheeple would believe them. THE HERD: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-herd

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I wonder if Harris will attend the 9/10 debate. Trump should attend, regardless.

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In 2009, Barack Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America." How's he doing?

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He has been very successful in his plan to destroy America. I am SO GLAD I am old!

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