All I heard was hate, anger and lies. Whatever is happening to the Democratic Party it is pre civil war all over again. They have created all of the same issues that they did then. Including when they tried to have Lincoln removed as a candidate (sound familiar?) Blacks are still being imprisoned in extreme poverty through dependence that the Democrats create in their policies. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, NY, L.A., SF, Portland all perfect examples. Too many similarities now.

The Democratic Party wants a totalitarian government. Unfortunately for them we have a Constitutional Republic.

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Corinne: Democrats in power and their Useful Idiots have had A LOT OF SUCCESS destroying our republic. Via digital currency, totalitarianism (that is, police state) will be complete. Have you read my 8-10 articles/podcasts about about digital currencies? THAT is the civil rights issue of our times. While everyday Democrats fuss & fret over non-existent microaggression, many Normal Americans are sounding the alarm over digital currency.

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I have not read all of them. I will go in to read them this weekend. I have had many conversations with my friends who happen to be black. The cities you listened have already obeyed the “You will own nothing and be happy”. Many black families like my friends are moving out of Detroit. Thank you for your work. Most people I know took all of their money out of banks then bought gold & silver & ammunition anticipating what the communist regime was doing. I’m a prepper. Skills will be become valuable in our fight for our future to save our constitutional republic America.

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Over a year ago I bought $500 worth of ammunition WITH CASH. As our retirment, SS, IRA $$$ is deposited into our CU accounts, I remove most of it.

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Are you related to Steve Gruber out of Michigan that is on Rumble?

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They are tracking everything. Those Northrup Grumman Q4 sophisticated drones lift all information from all things electronic. That’s why they spend a lot of time over Mar a Lago but all of us also. I was watching MonkeyWerx on YouTube for most of 2020-2022. I saw the airlifts that were happening that government was doing bring in illegals on C 17’s over our entire country. What the fake stations were reporting was opposite of the facts.

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What’s so ironic is THIS dirtbag, Biden, has out lived any semblance of value to humanity. And he has passed on his foul genes and has taught his progeny that lying and cheating is a way of life. The worst kind of narcissist.

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Yes, and he had lowered the standards for "right & wrong" throughout American society.

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