The only “fix” for this border tragedy is a vote for Trump!

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I keep saying we need to do something TOTALLY DIFFERENT and everyone keeps not listening, so I'll say it again. Unless Republicans suddenly wake up and take control of the destinations of the illegal aliens flooding our country, we are going to be extinct by 2040. As usual we cannot extend our imaginations to look at what the Democrats are doing and emulate them; instead we "stand on principle" and lose everything. We are not going to get Democrats to close the border just by screaming at them. And busing their aliens to their cities is, in the long run, suicidal. REPUBLICANS' EFFORTS TO EXPEL ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM THEIR STATES WILL BACKFIRE. Those aliens will end up in Democrat states, assisting in Democrat elections, voting Democrat, and increasing those states’ Democrat congressional representation after the 2030 census; Democrats must be laughing themselves silly watching us behave exactly as they expected: PLEASE READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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I sent links to the above article to the entire Republican memberships of the states houses and state senates of Florida, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas - all four of which have Republican trifectas and triplexes, so Republicans are in complete control. I never received even one non-automated response. I would have expected at least one "say, that's a different sort of idea", but no, not even one. We are going to lose this war with the Democrats due to our sheer, stubborn, ridiculous belief that we can keep doing the same losing things over and over.

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I don't know why the other 3 didn't respond, but South Dakota has too few illegals to be concerned about. We have a mountain home in the biggest GOP County in that red state, Custer County.

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Why aren't the illegals coming to South Dakota? Are they afraid of Kristi Noem and whatever her policies are? What is Kristi Nem doing RIGHT to keep illegals out? Whatever she is doing RIGHT, other states, Republican senators or representatives could learn from HER, not just some Joe Blow sending links to Conservative-leaning news sites. Maybe the Republican leadership can learn more from a top leader like Kristi Noem than your average citizen, but they should be able to hear the alarm bells this person was ringing. Congress, the alarm bells ARE ringing, and loudly. Listen to the alarm bells before it's too late!!

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Most Republicans in Congress go along to get along. How the hell can they sit around blowing smoke up each other’s assholes while millions of illegals invade our country is beyond me. Do they not feel some sense of urgency with murderers, rapists and gangsters flooding into our country? What’s happening today is a spark that will ignite another bloody civil war far worse than the first. Train your grandchildren to use weapons, teach them how to fight and how to survive the hell that’s in their future.

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The National Guard carry firearms, but doubt they have cartridges.

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Many moons ago Fort Lewis relied upon the tenet units to guard the Ammo Supply Point (ASP) and the smaller gates.

I was a young tank crewman in 1989/90 and participated in two of these Guard rotations.

We had to endure GuardMount at which the CSM would inspect our uniforms, weapons, and knowledge. Chain of command from squad leader to POTUS for example.

This little bit of misery was a two week stretch, and if you were 'kicked off Guard Mount' (for a uniform that wasn't starched enough to give you a rash, or you couldn't remember the maximum effective range of an M16) you got an Article 15 (two weeks restriction & extra duty, and half you pay & allowances). In short, it sucked.

But--to Rick's point--we had ammunition--but we had to keep in our cargo pocket, not even in our magazine clip on our vest. IF anyone was found to actually put their magazine in their weapon--again another Article 15.

Sadly, in my 27 years in the Army (8 enlisted, 19 commissioned) the surest way to climb the ranks was to be risk averse/avoidant. Not to do well thought out risk assessments--but to avoid the scary thing all together.

You should have seen the hoops we had to jump just to get my teams 'outside the wire' from Bagram Air Base. The theme was never said out loud by any O6 or above, but the actions spoke, "Nothing untoward will happen during my rotation."

Doctrinally, Military Intelligence is NEVER held in reserve. We illuminate the battlefield, so we always want to see as much as we can. We had to get a CONOP by this tiny little fueler Major-the XO for the Brigade we were under Administrative Control (ADCON) of the Division's Logistics. I nearly went to blows with this a$$hat...I was the S3 (operations officer), but only a CPT (supposed to be a Major billet...but hey, according to Don Rumsfeld (and he's correct) you go to war with the Army you have...) or we might have actually gone to fisticuffs. Fortunately my XO talked reason to this dimwitted fool.

So, they will be issues magazines--but the Rules of Engagement (ROE) would likely make taking a shot a nearly capital offense.

Our military rewards cowardice, compliance, and 'coloring Chiclettes' (green, amber, red, black status on powerpoint slides).


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National guard sans ammo!

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Sheriffs need to deputize civilians and send us to the border armed. We are under attack

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Great idea!

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I like to know why didn't Military didn't shoot anyone.?

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I like to know why didn't Military didn't shoot anyone.?

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