Democrats don't need guns to turn America into a plutocratic police state. They use their corrupt federal, state and local bureaucrats who ignore our laws to reinforce their illegal pacts with draconian rules and regulations. If President Trump doesn't win the November 5, 2024, general election, there's probably another civil war in America's future. Will Washington's Republican insiders support the fight for freedom?

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John: If you are referring to DC's Republican politicians -- NO THEY WON'T. If you are referring to the Republican voters in Washington State, some will. Diane

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The destruction of America is obvious. We’ve been watching this crap for three years and we needed Congress to visit the border to get a “first hand view!” Are the republicans as stupid as the democrats? After 20 million of these illegals oozed in, our representatives needed to go to the border!!!! I’m starting to believe we are being crapped up big time…. by republicans also.

If you find a stranger in your basement, what do you do? DUH!!!!

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And the 2030 census will include ALL illegals and will give even MORE Democrat states electoral votes for the 2032 presidential election.

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Setting up these pressers should be fluid on the day of to set up as they move the masses of illegals

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Fox has had reporters at the border since the beginning of the invasion. But, most Big Media have not. I doubt they show the border when politicians go there. Ask your Liberal acquaintances - they are probably not fully aware of the massive invasion.

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Diane I do not have many liberal friends. The Democratic Party that I know never went extremely radical like what I am seeing. I think it frightens their older base. Most who were in between have moved over to conservatives. They are appalled at what has been happening to this country under the radical violent left. Most are well informed, do not listen to mockingbird media propaganda. One issue voters (gender dysphoria , using murdering children before birth for birth control or the mental ill) never look at a healthy society bigger picture so they would be classified in DSM as narcissists). Watching Muslim Obama/Biden’s hate speech yesterday is inciting violence in my beloved country. They are such grifters. Ben Bergquam, Michael Yon, Chuck Holton plus a slew of others have been on the borders watching the deliberate invasion. I’ve been following all of them.

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Biden screaming that he doesn't want political violence, when HIS side has promoted political violence almost as long as I can remember, AND they cheered on the 2020 riots. Of course, he is implying that "the Right" is the only one who promote and engage in violence. HA!!!!!!! How stupid do his handlers think we are? Did you notice, from my article, that I was PISSED after listening to 1,001 lies?

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This radical faction works in opposites, antonyms. All the names for acronym departments or committees they form especially. The propoganda they are pushing is what they are doing themselves. They are giving us a roadmap of their agenda. Anyone with half a brain sees it. Unless, they are one issue voters. I worked on political campaigns in NH. That has been my experience watching many campaigns.

I got Dr. Mercola’s newsletter today that covered the apocalyptic movie that Big Mike and Barry just released. Fear tactics again. Flood the U.S. with armies from enemy nations to keep all of us busy protecting ourselves. Others are doing videos about EMP events. I read a book a long time ago that is very simple fiction yet gives scenarios of what happens after one of these events in a more modern society. Pretty grim yet it’s a simple easy read book available at libraries. I’m pretty sure it is called One Second After by William Forstchen. We are in apocalyptic times if all of the people who are synchronizing these events are buying underground compounds to stockpile them.

Biden has always been a grifter. Half of congress and the senate are grifters or pediophiles or both. What do you think attracts these narcissistic borderline personality disorders to American politics? I asked this same question to Colonel Mills. Is it power? Absolute control? Do we participate as a culture shaping these people? Our colleges are corrupted, government schools are a useful grooming tool. What happened to us? I see a couple of generations of selfish self centered idiots. I know for the last 15 years I have watched it increasing just trying to do everyday business.

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