That's enough reason right there to shut down the southern border and say, "Sorry, we're full." Close immigration for 10 years. Strengthen our borders.

FYI: Most illegals are not working at "jobs Americans don't want." They're living on Government Assistance, a whole new welfare class.

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Yes, and what state was it who is trying to start an "immigration" tax on Americans to support the illegals? That should make REAL citizens mad enough to rebel, march in the streets.

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The problem with saying things like this is that it isn't going to happen. We now have a dedicated enemy of the United States occupying the White House, obviously purposely destroying the country, who is probably a paid agent of the Chinese Communist Party. In a country where 70% of the population is stupid enough to have bought into the COVID hysteria and consequently adopt the insanity of mail-in voting, we face the prospect that we will never remove his party from control of our federal agencies. The question is: how can we ACTUALLY and LEGALLY defeat an enemy that runs our executive branch? READ: "Republicans Could Be Winning Biden’s Immigration Game": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-could-be-winning-bidens

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David: I agree with you! Crossing my fingers that I am gone before we are reduced to serfs. I cross-posted your cartel article today. Also, I think I cross-posted the "winning" article some time ago. We have been in South Dakota these last 6 weeks, leaving on Tuesday. Returning to Marxist Washington. Diane

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