The reason that this atrocity continues, and the reason that Trump (who tried to stop it) was removed from office and now has no chance of being elected in 2024 (regardless of how many vote for him), is that much of not most of corporate America wants things exactly as they are: "Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration?" https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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I’m more concerned with the fentanyl deaths of Americans and the cost to all of us for supporting all these fine folks. I am also selfishly disturbed that my children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of a run on our infrastructure.

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Hello Diane,

Such a deplorable effort to replace live Americans with illegals. No need to get alarmed, we just need to pray that this administration is ousted before they completely destroy the nation. They are calling the shots and they have American intervention held hostage against stopping their sick attempts to populate us with foreigners.

Great coverage, keep writing!

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Joni: Sometimes I hurt when researching articles. These deaths are TOTALLY Biden's fault. TOTALLY. He tricked them into coming here knowing full well that they would be abused along the way and many would die. Biden & his minions DON'T CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIVES. This hurts. Diane

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I recd. a msg. that my first reply didn’t initiate, so here it is again:

Hello Diane,

I concur! The Obiden Admin. appears to have no humane compassion for life, nor American rights and values. Very disgusting and heartbreaking indeed. Marxist leadership focus on their agenda going forward, and eliminate anything that disrupts its flow.

During a 2020 interview with late night talk show host Steven Colbert. The former 44th President of the USA expressed his need to still be President, during an interview, and I quote, according to Steven Colbert: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,” Obama quipped”.

Let’s keep spreading the truth, my friend.

God bless America!

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Susan Rice is calling the shots

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