Sep 9Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Trump needs to go at Kamala's issues with immigration during the debate. Immigration is a winning issue for Republicans. Great article, Diane.

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Yep! Look at these residents in an Ohio town BEGGING city council to remove the dangerous illegal aliens, starts at 3:30 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yjZqN3H60

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Sep 9Liked by Diane L. Gruber

Oh, but there's "no evidence" of the gangs, according the NPR.


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Liars All! Look at these residents in an Ohio town BEGGING city council to remove the dangerous illegal aliens, starts at 3:30 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yjZqN3H60

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This is what you should have spoken about at the debate, Mr. Trump! Call her out on being the border czar and yet she allowed - INVITED! - this human filth into our country and now our citizens are prisoners in their own country!

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The invasion of homes by illegal aliens is supported and promoted by Kamala Harris. However, since low income Americans are facing this serious threat, the propaganda media ignores it. The Biden-Harris administration’s treachery is criminal and inexcusable.

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Yes. It seems the plane loads of illegals are being dumped in the lower income neighborhoods.

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Thank you for writing about Danielle Jurinsky. She has been in the forefront of this travesty in Aurora, Colorado and has been quite vocal. And while the mayor, police chief, and governor are gaslighting us, many of the newscasts parrot their statements without actually interviewing terrified residents or Danielle Jurinsky herself. It is a dereliction of duty, because she’s the one who’s exposing it all AND helping residents to move.

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Yep! Look at these residents in an Ohio town BEGGING city council to remove the dangerous illegal aliens, starts at 3:30 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yjZqN3H60

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I’m actually writing a Substack about those videos right now! 😉🙌🏾 People need to see the effects of this unmitigated border disaster.

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Unfortunately, I think we can expect to hear that Jurinsky has been taken out soon. Either by the gangs, by Denver politicians, or by Kamala’s pals.

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It seems the plane loads of illegals are mostly being dumped in the lower income neighborhoods. Look at Springfield, Ohio which has an average income level BELOW the national average. Look at the blacks neighborhoods in Chicago. BUT, I heard Aurora is an "upper middle class" burb.

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That would be awful, but unfortunately, not unprecedented.

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All by Design!!! They knew this would happen!! THEY ARE PURE EVIL!!👿 👿👿👿

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Yep! Look at these residents in an Ohio town BEGGING city council to remove the dangerous illegal aliens, starts at 3:30 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yjZqN3H60

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Id leave get someplace safe where like minded people are. Good luck

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My hubby & I escaped Marxist Oregon in 2020 due to the BLM/Antifa riots where police were not allowed to protect us. It is not likely illegals will invade our new neighborhood.

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