Even though Trump stopped it. Im still sticking with cash and checks and I wont do business with anyone who demands an AFT. The threat of digital currency has been neutralized for now, but it still looms. Especially if Americans go back to sleep again like they did the last time Trump waa in office, and get a nasty surprise 4 years from now. We won some great battles, but the war is far from over. We should still all be using cash as much as possible. This thing has too much of a foothold as it is. Another benefit to carrying cash, the theives arent looking for it! Theyre not likely to straight up rob you on the street. Thats too messy ( and it requires effort) theyre likely to get arrested. Low lifes prefer to operate in the shaddows.

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Oh, I still plan to use cash at virtually all over the counter purchases. I surely hope Trump 47 will be followed by 8 years of JD, if he turns to be a true MAGA man.

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Now that’s a real bloodbath!!!

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Joe Biden’s policies that are destroying America from within must be stopped on November 5, 2024, or we shall descend even deeper into the police state turmoil he has already created. This is NOT idle talk. Evil is in control of Washington, D.C. and most if not all bureaucratic agencies from the White House to your local election office. Leftist Democrats control it all. Our only hope to avoid becoming their serfs is to vote for only Republican candidates. Democrats are anathema to our constitutional republic and the freedom it guarantees us.

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I agree! The last time I voted for a Democrat for ANY office was probably in the early 90s, four years after I started practicing law. As an attorney I saw, up close & personal, how Democrat policies harmed kids, harmed families, and harmed hard working, honest Americans.

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So that woke you up and you decided to stop supporting Democrat candidates. Good for you, Diane!!

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