Of course if houses decline in value, your tax will be refunded, right??

Where’s Milt Friedman when you need him?

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Rick: Very funny!!! I will be joining a podcast out of Montana in one hour discussing this topic. It is being taped and will be posted in a few days, which I will forward to my subscribers. Diane

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Hey Diane, thx for this incredibly important update ...

Maybe this is why the IRS hired AND ARMED 87k new agents last year ...

I listened to your recent podcast discussion on this topic ... you took solace in Bill O'Reilly assuring us that SCOTUS would never rule in favor of this administration ... but don't forget that public sentiment was also against SCOTUS ruling in favor of the FEC in the landmark ruling on Citizens United v Federal Election Commission in 2010 on the issue of campaign donations, and look what happened! ... America is in a pickle because SCOTUS did the unthinkable - it ruled against the people to essentially allow legalized bribery of political officials by corporations ... it happened in 2010 and it can happen again ... I might even bet on it!

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When will Americans rebel??? We have tolerated SO MUCH with barely a whimper these last few years. Will taxing our homes FINALLY do it? Many courts are corrupt. Bought & paid for by the Democrats. Look at my article today about Colorado wiping out voting rights for most of their citizens.

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When will SCOTUS hear this case?

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January, I think. BUT, they won't issue the ruling until June, the end of the court session.

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Both houses???

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Yep! I, too, own two houses, each on 20 acres: Custer, South Dakota and Oysterville, Washington. AND, this "wealth" tax will apply to stocks, bonds, ALL assets. If the IRS thinks something you own has increased in value since you acquired it, they will demand $$$.

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The Marxist Democrat plan to create a nation of home renting serfs controlled by the police state and powerful oligarch landlord rent collectors.

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John! Yep!!! I will be joining a podcast out of Montana in one hour discussing this topic. It is being taped and will be posted in a few days, which I will forward to my subscribers. Diane

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