Yet another reason to take ivermectin prophylactically.

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Thank you Diane! I just sent this to friends who have a house in Florida. In fact they are there now.

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As I recall, immigrant’s coming through Ellis Island were given a medical examination and detained if maladies were detected.

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Or sent back.

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Why is Joe Biden maliciously threatening the health of his fellow Americans? That’s easy, there must be some money in it for his family somehow. But, seriously, this is very disturbing and just another reminder of how hard it will be to rid ourselves of Biden’s true legacy. God help us.

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Obama, Biden and Biden's handler have spent the last 15 years trying to send Baby Boomers and older Americans to their graves quicker. Why? The main reason is because we remember when we had FULL rights, when government overlords did not dictate every aspect of daily life AND we were not indoctrinated to be good little Marxists in government schools. Indeed, in my little Red County of 27,000 in a Blue, Blue, Blue State, it is the over 60 crowd that is openly pushing back against the tyranny of the governor, Blue legislature, et al. We beg "younger" people to join us and they are too compliant to every government edict to "waste" their time fighting for their freedoms.

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As I recall, immigrant’s coming through Ellis Island were given a medical examination and detained if maladies were detected.

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You are correct!!!!

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I do not support illegal immigration. Also, we want to remember not to treat other humans as a dangerous source of contagion. "Public health" will use people's fear to turn them against each other and to get them to comply with dangerous ""cures" and "preventive measures," if you know what I mean.

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That’s an excellent point. I keep hearing how the Gen Z’ers are trending conservative, not believing the Marxist crap their professors are selling. I certainly hope there is some truth in that but from my own experience with family and with friends kids I’m not seeing it. I’ve also heard that Generation Alpha, the next after Z is even more common sense oriented. I hope so, because either way oldsters like me are going away.

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Oh, the horror stories I have been hearing from parents for the last 20 plus years!!!! I do know there are Gen Zers and Millennials raised by Conservative parents who did NOT succumb to the indoctrination in schools. It is encouraging that so many voters under 35 voted for Trump/Vance.

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A lot of these things are going to play out over time. Here in California it seems like the sheeple are waking up but I’m not sure how many and how awake. Everything is anecdotal at this time, but if Ca does in fact start to move in the right direction that could be a huge indicator for the nation as a whole. I can’t recall, I know you said you had to move out of your Portland area home, correct? Did you leave Oregon altogether or are you still there, just somewhere else. I always liked parts of Oregon, the rural areas, not Portland, but places like McMInnville for example, back when I used to go there for work.

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Interesting topic Diane. Useful going forward I’m sure.

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American doctors don't know about this disease so Americans need to keep an eye out for these symptoms, especially in warmer climates such as where you live.

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