When I was a police officer in So. California, people would ask me what neighborhoods were safe, this is before Antifa and BLM and I used to mark those places on a map for them. This is how they shopped as they were moving into our city. Now they only go out of the state instead of coming in.

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Now that Americans have so little privacy, high tech knows a lot about each of us. I am not surprised that someone would compile personal data to help their customers or themselves make decisions. We will see more and more of this in every accept of life.

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Democrats are cannibalizing themselves with their hatred for anyone who does not support their leftist ideology, a socialist political system that’s claimed 110 million lives and functions only until the communists run out of other people’s money.

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Washington's Governor-Elect hates the Bill of Rights. He was successful at chipping away at our rights when he was attorney general. I greatly fear what he will do these next four years.

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