I’m a resident of Maricopa county and voted in person in 2020. Waited 3 hrs in line. Ballot had to be inserted 3 times into the machine; guy before me to 13 tries - we all were counting by then. The printer problems that have been reported happened only in heavily GOP precinct. Cartel Katie Hobbs was SecState and ran her own election. Plenty of testimony of fraud has been presented. A recent study showed that with the available info, no one could legitimately claim victory in 2020.

IMO, Trump won and Lake won, the GOPe would prefer democrats to the Republican base, and I see nothing changing this Fall.

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Yes, I heard that Maricopa County, by far the biggest county out of 15 counties, intentionally programmed voting machines in GOP precincts to reject ballots. This did not happen in other counties, smaller and RED, did it?

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I never read any indication of this happening elsewhere; just in R-heavy precincts in Maricopa.

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The timing of the indictment, so long after 2020 election and so close to 2024 election tells us all we need to know: Democrats will cheat again, expect Biden to "win." They are terrorizing anyone who might want to whistle blow or complain about the 2024 cheating.

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They’ll keep pushing totalitarianism until we push back. Because they have no political opposition, the probability is that they will cross a line they don’t recognize exists and then be surprised when all hell breaks lose — BECAUSE the GOPe is a political nonentity.

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Why the hell are Republicans so sanguine about Democrat voter fraud and election rigging? Why aren't they raising hell every day? Republicans should be shouting about election rigging from the rooftops, pointing fingers at Democrats and the complicit silence of the Democrats' mainstream media propaganda partners who deny it. Has the RNC initiated legal action against Democrat voter fraud and election rigging -- or are patriotic Republican lawyers intimidated, fearing retaliation from Crooked Joe Biden and corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland? Why is Dominion Voting Machines not being investigated and challenged? They have a history of election rigging.

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I don't know, John. VERY frustrating!!!!!

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