I went to Peter’s Substack. The guy is absolutely obsessed with Trump and blind to alternative information. He has no argument to combat alternative facts, so in true Liberal/Communist fashion, he resorts to character assassination and making claims that (paraphrased) “lots of people told me YOU are mentally Ill.”

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Yes. I went to his Substack for the first time yesterday and was surprised at the lack of substance. I haven't explored older articles; but, those published in the last two weeks or so are full of symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Trump and his family were billionaires before being politicians, so money was not a motivator. Biden and family were poor, so millions from foreign countries were irresistible. Which, do you suppose, is a traitor? Hunter getting $5,000 hookers is an indication.

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And it is amazing how many everyday Democrat voters are willing to prostitute themselves to keep this demented traitor in the White House so he can continue to abuse Americans and destroy our nation! Beyond disgusting.

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