The stated goal of Islam is to forcibly convert or kill everyone who isn't Muslim. They intend to bring about a worldwide caliphate, which will be a brutal totalitarian state.

Many Islamic leaders openly say they intend the death of every Jew on the planet. And they claim that in the name of a twisted religion started by a pedophile!

How can any thinking person support these monsters? Why are they allowed to remain in the US?

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And we have imported many Muslims into the US these last 30 years. I will be on a podcast this morning. THIS will be the topic. It is taped and I will post it on Substack after it is published.

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Well written. Kirkland used to be a nice place, it looks like Seattle’s rot continues to metastasize. So glad I left.

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Then there's Friday's "Day of Rage" called for by the Hamas founder and leader. Has this message activated terrorist cells among the millions of military age males Biden's open border policy welcomed into America? There are thousands from Afghanistan, Iran and Syria.

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I'm not surprised that the Islamic population in Kirkland, and maybe throughout the United States, is cheering for the destruction of Israel; they'll be calling for the death of American Infidels on our own soil in good time. They're a patient sort of animal--they've been clamoring for the annihilation of "civilized" nations for centuries. But I don't consider Hamas or Muslim terrorists to be Far-Left. I consider them to be religious fanatics.

I use Gab social media because I have two friends who share posts from twitter and telegram, respectively, and I share gab posts with them. I've gotta tell you there are some sick far-right wingers on Gab who aren't bothered by Hamas' attack on Israel. Their posts are so offensive to read that I find myself muting lots of Gab users who can't edit themselves to state their opinions using acceptable language. The reason that I continue to use the platform is that I believe it truly is a free speech platform. As a user I feel it's my responsibility to decide whose opinions I want to entertain and who I should "walk away from", the way I would upon meeting new people. The only posts Gab doesn't allow are violent threats against others, and pornography.

I never knew there was such a massive contingent of Holocaust deniers and bigots in this country that consider themselves Conservative, or even more amazing, Christian. I'm just pointing out that this time, I think it's the far-right racial purists and Fanatical Islamic Fundamentalists who we need to watch carefully for incendiary behavior against Jews and Israel-sympathizers in this country.

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Well said. Ditto. I like to keep a pulse on Gab, but the thick anti-Semitic rants are off putting.

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Want to ruin your day? Watch the Cornel West/Dershowitz “debate!” You’d think a Harvard educated black man would understand persecution.

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Kirkland; a name used by Costco to identify some if their products. I love Costco but they are WOKE. Just purchased Killing Witches yesterday at Costco. Am conflicted about shopping there.

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I will be buying O'Reilly's new book, too. He says the Woke Cancel Culture is the same as the Salem Witch Hunts.

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