It seems that our government is only good at giving billions of dollars to foreign countries than help the American people here in this country. Great reporting, Diane.

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So appreciate your writing and the obvious study and experience that informs it. I am currently campaigning hard here in the PRWS (People’s Republic of Washington State). The overt and overwhelming time suck will soon be behind me. I’ll likely begin sharing more of my “learned experience” soon.

Hopefully, the likely advent of martial law won’t shut this platform down. 😵‍💫🇺🇸

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I am SO scared what a Ferguson will do as governor.

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My highest concern is the almost complete absence of objective truth in the dominant culture. To your point, Ferguson is a demonstrably nefarious bad-actor. His record is clearly malevolent to all traditional values. Even if the mind-virus that is progressivism has one its grips, wouldn’t one still aspire to seek escape from narratives that are unfounded and are clearly partisan abstractions. Maybe not. Clearly those so afflicted are not open to see their error. They resist cold logic. There is a price many seem to be willing to pay.

Meanwhile, those in positions of “leadership” in traditional or conservative time-tested values are not serving us well, either. Cannot even trust so many of the pastors.

A question keeps coming to back to mind:

“With Ferguson’s character so clearly flawed and a record so clearly soiled, how can anyone support this man? Well, to project that further, why do so many not know about Harris’s true record?”

People are largely intellectually lazy. One has to search for truth. Truth will not be told by our current media. People will neither invest the time or energy it takes to learn”.

Our media is no longer (if it ever was), staffed by journalists. It is not so much what the media tells you that is not true, it is that what is true is hidden.

Our state’s response to the “pandemic” should have been an abject lesson to all of sound mind on the absolute malevolence of the state, its apparatchiks, its contractors, and media propagandists.

Before running for state legislature here in WA State, I was warned of two major impediments in running as a Republican: Trump and abortion. Neither of them are “issues” if one is intent to addressing local/state concerns. But, this is all the Dems have. And, sadly, with the state party in such disarray, it seems it is all they need.

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It's an absolute crime that the federal government (FEMA) can avoid their actual mission and allow people to die for a bogus political theory. DEI is not valid action toward any goal except destruction of the USA. It does not work, and hurts all who experience it. Those who are hurt by it are easily identified, however those who benefit from it are also hurt by being put in positions with authority they have no preparation for and their performance hurts everyone they are supposed to serve. Vote for Trump and start emptying the swamp

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Locals are still digging of bodies, while FEMA employees sit and watch. Too lazy to get their hands dirty.

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