100% the decline is desired by the elites.

And, guess what? The enumerated powers do not include education. The Dept of Ed is an unconstitutional usurpation of state authority and a violation of the 10th Amendment. Governors should have shut it down the day after it was established.

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I am disappointed that parents did not notice this decades ago and protest! As an employer, I started noticing in about the year 2000.

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‘ The Murder Machine. ‘ Padraig Pearse.

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The quicker the communist Democrat Department of (Indoctrination) Education is shuttered, the better.

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Great work blew them out of the water lol

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Influencewatch.org search Woke 🤮

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Any program run by liberals should not be trusted at any cost. It's all about control and screwing over the American people with marxist policies. Great article, Diane.

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Outstanding Diane. You are on the ball! Indeed, close the Dept of DEI/Marxist studies. Shut it down!

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Praise the Lord 🙏🙏🙏

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Unfortunately our literacy problems started long before the Department of Education existed. And in fact the department's NAEP tests are one of the few ways we can know about how bad things are: http://mychildwillread.org/

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Vouchers are easy and the only way to solve this problem and that should go through jr college leaving only 2 years of “upper education”

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Vouchers are government money and government money comes with strings. I've been a member of the school reform movement for decades and years ago, like you, I used to believe in vouchers. Now though, I realize that any kind of government financing comes with government conditions. Example: even though federal funding constitutes only about 5% of the typical school district's funding, that 5% allows the federal government to dictate essentially all public school policy. The reason: the districts, ever fat and greedy for more, will never relinquish the federal money in return for freedom from federal regulation. This is how a tiny minority "shareholder" controls the whole thing.

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If it costs the state of California 30000.00 per year per student the school the student goes to gets a check for 30000.00 period the government can choose the color of the check period. Failing students fail, parents whose children don’t show get no checks .

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Yes it all sounds so simple, but who is going to enforce your "period" notion? Who is going to determine whether a student has failed, if that enters into the funding equation? How much continuous "failure" (whatever that means) will be tolerated? Who will determine what constitutes a "school" where this money can be spent? Will parents who claim to be home-schooling simply get a check per kid, with no follow-through as to what they are doing with the money? With every kid now being a $30K meal ticket for any scammer who claims to have a child or to be schooling a child, how many forms of fraud will arise, even more creative than the blatant institutional fraud of the current system? So many interesting questions arise when we actually try to implement things that sound simple.

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We don’t let the government build 5 million dollar toilets, and we give them no choice in schools. School boards have failed let parents spend their money where they get returns it works in our economy, show me where government works, this has been true before the dummy got elected president.

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Whether there is a Department of Education or not: No, we are not going to fix the public schools: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/no-we-are-not-going-to-fix-the-public

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Vouchers will eliminate public schools, that’s the point. Why let morons run education.

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Qwant.com search Peidmont mining permit Carolina

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Systematically installed over a 20 year timeline sick bastards

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Dominions 1 st Election

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